In the catacombs of the Paris underground there are thousands of skeletons. One can walk through and you can see them all neatly lined up, after all it saves space.
Of course, they felt that they had to do this because they were saturating their cemeteries. There were many plagues and so many deaths, they didn't know what to do with all of their bodies. While there are many catacombs in Europe, in truth; we all have our own catacombs. The old saying is "we all have skeletons in our closets." But, what are we to do about these past things? Everyone has them, so we need not feel insecure or inferior. We just know ours, but not those of others. The skeletons are there and will always be there, but it is something that should be dealt with in your mind and heart. I don't know about you, but I needed forgiveness and Christianity is the only belief that supplies that need. Forgiveness offers freedom. The skeletons can stay in the closet, but in Christ they can no longer bother you. You are dead in your sins. Keep your closet closed and turn just let it all go once and for all. That was yesterday, but today you have a life of grace.