Wednesday, February 14, 2018

I believe everyone has faith in something. Many of us were raised to have faith in ourselves while we trusted in the ability of what we could do when a tough challenge arises in our lives. Try as we might, too many times we discovered there are some mountains in this life that were too hard to climb and too difficult to understand. We became aware of how easy it is to mess up our lives just by doing things our own way. By that time we learned we could not undo what has already been done. We experienced a hopelessness. Everyone has been down that path, you are not alone. In fact, your own special set of heartbreaking circumstance can be turned around to a new beginning in your life, if you so desire. In John 3:3 the verse says: "In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God  unless he is born again."  If being born again were not possible, I would not be writing about it today. Do not think for a minute that your sins are any worse than mine were. Every godly church is filled with ex-liars, ex-thieves, ex-prisoners, ex-prostitutes, ex-pimps, EX-Everything! Everyone who humbles themselves and accepts that Jesus Christ is their Savior and died upon that cross, shedding his blood so we can have forgiveness of sins receives a new heart, the power and help to repent from your old life, forgiveness of all your sins, a brand new life because you become a brand new person in Christ! Before accepting Jesus, we do not have the power within to clean up ourselves. 
If you would like to have a new life in Christ, God first calls you to humble yourself admitting that you have messed up your life. Any past self pride or ego must be left outside the door. When you sincerely humble yourself, everything inside of you is miraculously emptied out. All the junk that has held you back from living a good life leaves! Do you know why? Because this whole experience is supernatural and from God. Those previous obstacles that once held you back,  cannot stand in the presence of God's Holy Spirit. This is a miracle of the gift of GRACE given personally just for you. Grace means "unmerited favor or undeserved favor." You cannot work for this gift because it is freely given, but as you read this message; this gift has your name on it. We are the ones who should have been crucified, but Jesus took our place on the cross. God sacrificed His only son for us to have eternal life. When you hear this message and you feel a tug in your heart, please do not ignore what your heart is saying because it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you.    
For those who have strayed away from the faith, many have walked away because they have learned like Asaph in the Book of Psalms that life is not fair, there is no easy or free ride in this life and there are times when we pray for good godly people who have gotten sick, but they died anyway. Did not God hear our prayers? Yes, we do serve a God of love.  The Kingdom of God is not fulfilled on earth yet. We sit back and wonder. There are those who are taken when so young, and those who continue to live with long lives. There are those who are starving and those who take their food for granted and indulge. Those who live as if they will never die, those who question about the Christian God and 
yet, those who have a thankful heart and treasure every minute of life that has been given to them.   
To know God in this life is everything. To know Him is to listen to Him and hear what His Holy Spirit is saying to you.  The Holy Spirit is ever present and always points to the Son of God. Personally, He teaches me new things daily and gives me revelations that bring joy in my heart. He Comforts me when I feel sorrow. He always gives me hope, when there seems to be no hope. We pray for wisdom and understanding and are given portions of what we need at the time of our life.
For every disheartening experience in our life, there is are overwhelming amounts of good Biblical answers too many to list on this post. 
If your soul is searching for the truth and your heart is telling you it is time, I urge you to pray with me the prayer below. If you are a Christian but have walked away even into other beliefs I urge you to come back and pray while you can and listen to what The Spirit of God is saying today:
Heavenly Father,
I ask that you would forgive me for not coming to you sooner. I believe that your Son Jesus is Lord. I believe that He died for me on the Cross and I believe in your gift of Grace, the shedding of blood that takes away my sins, the gift of repentance and a new life in Christ through being born again. Please forgive my sins Father: (confess your sins privately). I am so sorry Father. Come into my heart, give me strength to be that new person in Christ, to grow in you and be strong. Thank you Father. In your son I pray. amen.
For those who are coming back:
Heavenly Father,
I ask that you would forgive me straying from my faith. I ask that you would clean me up.  I repent Father. Take my life back and complete the work that you started inside of me. I admit, cannot do it by myself. I need your help. Thank you Father. In Jesus I ask, amen. 
If you have sincerely prayed these prayers I urge you to buy a Bible and begin by reading the Book of John. Find a good Bible believing church that abides by the complete truth. You will need to draw strength and grow through other believers. God uses other people in the Body of Christ to help you grow and get through the trials up ahead so you will be a strong firm vessel in Him. You can do it! Never give up! 
Never give up! Most important, never think for a moment that you are alone. We are all in this together!
Much Love,

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