Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You are a SOUL

You are a soul

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Ge. 2:7 nkjv

For many years, I have realized that we are all living in various dwellings that we call our body. We have three parts to ourselves. Our soul is the middle section inside of us, where our decision center lives and decides our will. A soul can have deep emotional feelings of rhapsody and ecstasy to overwhelming joy. Our soul can also feel the deep throes of depressive vexation like that of Job in the Bible, when we have been hurt and wounded by our life’s journey.

The life-force of this embodiment can be quite puzzling. This can be because of misunderstandings of the reality of who you really are. Although, our outer appearance is not really who we are, but a shell that carries us around; I believe we can safely say, our eyes can truly reflect what we have inside. There are those who can read eyes, yet never say a word.

Picture a circle, within the circle, within another smaller circle; similar to the picture above. On the outside of the circle is where your  5 senses are, or your flesh. This is the area where you see things and desire them, or enjoy the smell of baked bread or a flower. Everything involved on the outer realm is physical. Feeling the stroke of a rabbit’s soft fur when you pet him or listening to music that will “stir your soul.” And, it does just that; it stirs our soul.

In the second circle is where the soul (seat of emotions) lives. Like I mentioned above, what we can see or listen to can stir our soul.  Our fleshly area looks at that second piece of pie and wants it, our soul get’s stirred and now it is up to the soul whether to give the nod to the flesh or not. Most times than not, we just go ahead and give into our flesh and eat that pie! Your temptation can be anything. Maybe your weakness is buying things you do not need.  We are aware of our own weaknesses.

The third circle and the one that is deepest inside of you is where your spirit resides. This is your life giving force. This is the place where you connect with God’s Spirit when you pray. We align our spirit to His Spirit.  Now, we are looking at the flesh, soul and spirit all working inside of you. When you find yourself tempted by one of your 5 senses, the emotional feeling is felt through your soul; and if you have been born again the soul asks your spirit what to do. If you are listening to what God is saying to you, your soul will hear a resounding no and you will walk away. That is resisting. Other times, you may hear the no, but; your flesh might ignore the verdict and carrying out the temptation anyway.

If your spirit has not yet been awakened through the new birth in Jesus, this means that you are listening to only your soul (emotions) and your flesh (physical wants and desires) and using worldly and natural reasoning’s (watch C-span or the media sometime and you will hear their reasoning's)  to justify your rights. 

You are basically your own person, your own special soul. You have a choice. Everything we do whether it is good or bad brings consequences in our lives. I know a man who did not take marriage seriously and adulterated his marriage with lies and infidelity. He lost his new job, home and family. We all make wrong decisions, the important thing is for us to learn from them. Today if this message speaks to you believe that Jesus died for you, so that you can be set free from your bondages of sin; I ask that you would reach out to Him by faith. Truly this man is the son of God. My own life itself is a testimony to the change that His Holy Spirit brings upon a person. Your soul is renewed as your Spirit is quickened and made alive to understanding the things of God. Pray with me: 

Heavenly Father, 

I do not understand it all but I do know that I need you. I need your Holy Spirit to awaken my spirit and restore my soul. I need forgiveness that your son Jesus offers. I need your grace. (confess your sins) I surrender everything I have for your truth to come into me. I give my life to you. I ask that you would be with me on this journey, guide me and lead me to your messengers to a place of worship. Help me to grow and fill me completely with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus I pray. Amen. 

Without God in our lives we could,  look at life, walking through a war zone without good judgment or protection. Better to have God’s angels and messengers walking you through your trials and guiding your steps. 
The more you walk in Him, the clearer the truth becomes and no matter what happens you will realize that He is there right with you because His love will never leave you or fail you.

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