Thursday, October 24, 2013

Think about the seeds you are planting in your life

Gentle Rain

Being Deceived

“Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Ga. 6:7 niv

We are all products of our environments and upraising. In the very beginning we learned to look at life through our parents eyes and we took them at their word. It was law. To us, they were like gods who knew everything. Then one day, we noticed that our parents were not gods after all and made mistakes.  Although it was a crushing blow for some of us, we chose to love them anyway.

Those of us who were raised by deceived parents reaped the seeds of damaged and destructive fruit. This is a godly principle and cannot be revoked. Our seeds can go back thousands of years, handed down from generations. Today they call it DNA.  Scientists are continually proving godly principles.

It took just one seed to create you and bring you into the world. During the course of your lifetime, you will be touching countless of people’s lives.  There will be moments of gentle scattering seeds of good memories, smiles, hugs and warmth.  Other times, the unthinking mind sometimes rushed; scatters seeds of careless words and selfishness.  We have all done this.  Then, because a person is deceived, depending upon the seeds they are carrying in their hearts; they stir up seeds of jealousy, hatred and lies. Some deliberately sabotage another’s character for their own whim or gain.

Being deceived is the consequence of feeding the seeds of unbelief and doubt in God. God will not be mocked. In the right season, sooner or later; the harvest will be ripe.  All the seeds we have planted in our garden of life will be harvested. This is inescapable.  There will always be a crop come up.

One single sunflower will produce between 800 to 2000 seeds depending upon the type of sunflower. If you can picture 200 small sunflowers in a field and each produces 800 seeds, that is 160,000 seeds reaped. If you turn around and plant all of those 160,000 seeds, you will be reaping 128,000,000 seeds! And, all this began by one simple seed.

We have all been prodigals at one time or another. Our Father is the only one who knows your heart and He is still waiting patiently for you to come back home.

“We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2Co. 5:10

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