Thursday, October 31, 2013

You are The Temple of God

Gentle Rain

Your Body is a Temple

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1Co.3:16

I believe that when the Word talks about The Kingdom of God is within us, is also talking about The Spirit of God living inside of you. The Kingdom of God and The Spirit of God are related and cannot be divided. Every time someone prays for another person, The Spirit of God is at work and a manifestation of the Kingdom of God is revealed. If you are kind and have the gift of hospitality and have generously opened up your home,that too is a sign that the Spirit of God is at work and the Kingdom of God is within you.

We had the good fortune to be a part of a small church when we lived in Canada. The Pastor and his wife had the gifts of helps and hospitality. They opened up their home to a man who needed a place to stay for a few days and he ended up staying with them for years! He became just like family. There was never a frown or a complaint from the Pastor and his wife. That was definitely the Spirit of God working with the Kingdom of God.

Another time, my youngest son was driving and got my truck stuck in the mud at his friend’s farm. We told our Pastor and he gallantly put on his warm clothing, got his tractor out and drove through the ice and snow, to the farm and pulled the truck out. He did the whole thing without the slightest complaint but had a smile on his face the whole time. When The Spirit of God dwells inside of you, all kinds of good things happen in your life!  What a witness!

When I think of these words I am in complete awe. I feel privileged and honored.  Although we dig and research for ourselves for valuable knowledge and revelations, it is His Spirit that shines the light of understanding in our hearts and, it is His truth that leads us there. We cannot help but be overwhelmed at times.

When I look in a mirror, I do not think about my body being a Temple of God. I do think to myself how I still need to lose those pounds. When I think about The Spirit of God dwelling inside of me, I think about His goodness. I think about His never-ending love and I also think about His faithful promises that are in the Bible for you and me.

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