Saturday, October 26, 2013

No matter, it is a win win situation.

Under His Wings

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” Ps. 91:4

Could it be possible we have heart problems because of the way we treat people? Cannot a divorce break a heart? When someone says “I do not love you anymore” where do those words travel? They go somewhere.  I believe they go to the heart. If you have been betrayed by someone you trusted, where does that wound travel? Do they contaminate the blood?  I believe they go to the heart.

We have all experienced rejection from one another because of our differences. Such fickle selfish people we are!  Instead of exploring the uniqueness and eccentricity an individual offers, we find ourselves avoiding the very thing we need for continued spiritual growth.

Though you may have had a wounded soul, God has given you a deep portion of empathy and you are well qualified to comfort others by saying: “I understand” because you have been in the fire. It has taken awhile, but you have learned to stay under God’s wings and are protected in His truth. You have learned that rejection becomes an unopened door in disguise.

The way I look at it is that, everyone either loves me and is my friend or they are working for me; because they are continually transforming my nature into the character of Christ. It is a win win situation.  

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