Saturday, October 26, 2013

Idle Yarn

What a gorgeous day! Not hot or too cold and the sun is shining so beautifully and here I am right smack dab in front of my computer. This is not to say that I won't be out there pulling some weeds in awhile.

One of my least favorite things is cleaning. I can think of over a hundred other chores I'd rather be doing besides dusting, washing and mopping. Finally if I feel the microbes are going to take us away, I determine to get them before they get us.

I think at times, what it was like when I first came to the Lord. I was trying to raise 3 sons by myself, with no help from my ex-husband. It was a tough time, but because I was so young it didn't seem that tough. When things came up, you just did it. The worse part: having an old car that broke down to and from work all of the time. I juggled raising my kids (taking them to baseball games and other sports, doctors, dentists etc), going to church, studying, going to college, work, shopping, a little social time with my new friends. When I made a decision for the Lord, I lost all of my worldly friends. Not one, wanted anything to do with me anymore. Although hurt, I understood; because the Bible had pre-warned me about that. I wanted to find out about this God of the Bible and where I stood in His eyes.

I had sown more than my share of wild oats and in doing this, I ended up not just damaging my life, but others as well. I discovered I wasn't in very good standing with God. It is just like yesterday when I painfully fell on my knees, crying in prayer and asking for forgiveness. I totally surrendered my heart to Him.  I had messed up my life and was unable to correct it. I didn't know how. But, I'll tell you; when I got up from my knees I was a new person. I kept studying and praying. I found a good Bible believing church and I have walked up the ladder of grace ever since. Life isn't without problems just because you become a believer, but God always takes you through the whole ordeal, and you know He is right there by your side. You can draw just as close to God through Jesus as you desire and He will gracefully open up many windows of revelations as you desire. It is a wonderful journey.

Time to pull  those weeds.

God Bless You All.

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