Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Giving is the Highest Expression of Love

Gentle Rain

Learn to give

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Co. 9:7 niv
When we help those in need, we are also serving our own hearts. We are enriching ourselves with platefuls of God’s love and goodness. God wants His people to be wise, generous cheerful givers. Have you noticed how good you feel when you help someone out? You feel happy and joyful and discover that you cannot wait to do more for other people. Think about it, we become impatient at times to do good and give!

There are many ways you can give but we are to use discernment and wisdom. If I were to give money to someone who I knew would be ungrateful and waste it away, I would be scattering my earnings to the wind.  Instead, I could give my time and a listening ear. Maybe I could offer words of help if they desired or bring groceries if they are in need for the family. Every situation is different.

It is important when you decide to give to a family that you do not: make a show, be dramatic, judge them or place them in a humiliating position. Everyone has a story inside of them, it is not for us to assume anything or pass sentence upon their lives. Give humbly and quietly in secret.

Giving does not mean to squander what you have been given. It does mean, for us not to ignore those who are in need.  There are also ways we can give to help those to get out of the drudgery of habitual depressions. We can give the offer of friendship and mend-ship. Help your new friend begin to think in new positive ways about a life in Christ, this will offer hope and give them a new vision and eternal life.

Trust in God whatever you decide to give. Many years ago, I listened to a Pastor preach a sermon about how important money was to everyone. He said, “show me what a person does with his money and I’ll show you what is important to him. Show me your bank account and I’ll show you why you are unhappy and having financial problems.”  I have never forgotten that because he was right. People get mighty private and testy when it comes to their money. They think of their money first and above everything.

The truth is, when you get more mature; you discover that “things” are not important.

You realize, the most important thing is: to reach out and give to those; who have been where you once walked.

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