Monday, October 28, 2013

He Did, He Does and He Will

Gentle Rain

He did, does and will

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Ps. 77:14

We have a Creator who constructed our hearts to beat 60-80 a minute. When a new born baby enters the world his heart usually beats around 130 a minute. Such excitement! There are 525,948 minutes and 48 seconds in a year. With an estimated blood pressure reading of 80, we can guess that person will have about 42,075,904 heart beats a year. Depending upon the person, that could be about 3 billion beats in one lifetime.  

As if that isn’t enough, each day your heart is pumping 1900 gallons of blood through your heart. That is 7200 liters for my metric friends.  
When you think of the intricate gems involved in the human body and what goes on inside, we can agree when the Bible says about being “fearfully and wonderfully made.

Do you believe in miracles today?

I remember reading about the Centurion who came to Jesus asking for help. He said, “Lord, my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.”  Jesus said that he would go and heal him. The Centurion said that he did not deserve to have Jesus come under his roof. However, he said; “just say the word and my servant will be healed.”  The Centurion understood the authority of God’s word. Jesus was astonished and marveled over his faith, and replied to him; that everything would be done just as he believed!

There was a woman who struggled amidst the noisy crowd, weak with her issue of blood for 12 years. She knew in her heart, that if she could touch the edge of Jesus’ cloak (tassels); that she would be healed.  When she finally reached the hem, Jesus said, “take heart daughter, your faith has healed you!”

Both of these people had three things in common:

1. They both physically went out of their way to get to Jesus.
2. They were not ashamed of Jesus Christ
3. They were humble.
4. They had great faith.

The Centurion believed without a shadow of doubt that Jesus was Lord. One single word, one single breath and the job was done. He did not waver or hesitate in his faith. Although, the weak woman was quite sick from continually losing blood; she knew in her heart that nothing was impossible with God.  

Today there are many cases of healings that Doctors cannot put an explanation upon for their textbooks and files. Therefore, many finally admit, the healing has to be from God!

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