Saturday, October 26, 2013

Would Jesus carry a cell phone?

Gentle Rain

If Jesus were walking the earth today, would He carry a cell phone?

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1Jn. 1:15

If Jesus came back today, right this minute; how would we respond? Would we fall upon our knees and declare Him Lord or upon our defense, would we babble a bunch of selfish excuses why we have placed the things of the world before His gift of love? We are a society that looks for a scapegoat and loves to find someone to blame for today’s problems. In fact, we applaud the whole procedure and will blame anyone except ourselves. Most of us know right from wrong, we just do not want to hear it.  At times we seem to be more like children than children. A life saturated in worldly pursuits becomes a life of misguided influences.  Paul was astonished that the Galatians deserted the grace of Christ so quickly and turned to another gospel. Then, he turned around and said, “that isn’t really a gospel, but a perversion.”

Amid all of the flat screens, ipods, ipads, cell phones of latest androids or blackberrys, computers, gps, kindles, smindles and gadgets that Jesus would see; He would not be surprised, because He warned us about the things of the world.  Today we can tap and zap into anything our worldly heart desires with one simple click. Would someone be able to listen to Jesus without checking their cell phone? Driving a car without the cell in their ear?

Our temptations today are filled with the availability, of a storehouse of other gods. Picture if you will, free access to thousands of warehouses of every evil imagination. The worldly fulfillment in your flesh is only an illusion based on lies. Our techno life can either bless us or curse us. We have seen it save lives and take lives. We can make it work for us, not against us.  Bottom line, when you choose the ways of the world; you are destroying yourself. God's love gives life.  It is your choice.


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