Saturday, October 5, 2013

What you see is not necessarily what I see

My Theme for the Day is:

We all have different areas of discernment

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment,” Phl. 1:9

Everyone sees things differently. This is what makes all of us so unique; we aren't from the same pod. We are just like snowflakes when you think about it. They have yet to find two of the same kind. Can your mind actually wrap around the miracle of that thought? I watched a documentary of an older man who has made his life work examining snowflakes in his very cold laboratory under microscopes. He had thousands of pictures of every delicate snowflake he has looked at and not one is the same. I completely marveled at his tenacity as he would take each wee snowflake up in tweezers and set it carefully on the glass of his microscope. Each intricate design was incredibly breathtaking.

They say that everyone has a twin and maybe we do of some sort, but I guarantee that if you were to find him he would see things differently than you do. One look at a rose bush and perhaps he would see all the thorns and maybe you would see the deep magenta color while engulfing the sweet aroma.
This also means that everyone sees people differently. No matter how hard you try you will never be able to please everyone.  If they think differently than you do, they will see things differently than you do and that is alright. This is why talking about political yarn can be so testy, not everyone puts two and two together like you do. Many see things from a back door approach or sometimes in a spiritual way.

If God created you to be an apple, you need to find out exactly what kind of an apple you are. All apples are not created equal but for different purposes. However, their value ranges from pie making to medicinal functions.  Whatever our God has created you to be, stay strong with your beliefs and do not compromise in what you discern as good or evil. But remember; always keep an open mind towards those who see things a little bit differently.

God Bless All of You!

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