Thursday, June 21, 2018

The whole armor of God

The picture of the young girl with her beautiful wheat colored braided hair reminds me of my Aunt Rosie when she was a young girl, although her hair was much longer and almost touched the floor. To this day, we are more like sisters than aunt and niece. My warm musings were suddenly interrupted as I heard a well known television Evangelist declare: “Why am I hearing everyone say, put on the whole armor of God? When you are born-again, you already have the armor of God!”  I gave this some thought. This is true, if God’s armor wasn’t already ours, we wouldn’t be able to “Put it On.” 

Picture an antique treasure chest set before you and when the lid is opened, glittering jewels of every kind were encased in necklaces, earrings, hair ornaments, rings and broaches. There were silver and gold goblets to drink new wine and candlesticks with flowers designed from rubies upon the front. Vases were laden with grapes created of emeralds, sapphires and amethyst. Nuggets of gold and bouillon's were found in purple pouches. You get the picture. Here lies our true riches. Yes, we are rich because we’ve been given an abundance!  This is what the full armor of God looks like and the treasure chest has your name written on it!  

The day you humbled yourself and confessed that Jesus Christ was your Lord and became born-again, you were commissioned and inducted to serve in the Kings Royal Spiritual Army called The Body of Christ and you were given a hand written list of the benefits and perks to use on a daily basis to learn how to be an Overcomer in His Majesty’s Army.  We have complete access to the full armor of God. 

We have everything we need to live an overcoming life, but..

Getting up before sunrise and marching morning drills, does not necessarily mean you are using what has been given to you. In fact, too many times the things we place on high value become stored away. When was the last time you used your good dishes? They sit in the cabinet collecting dust. Dresses and sale items, sometimes complete with tags still on them await in your closet to be “put on” because of the expectation of losing weight or for that special occasion. My mother saved her good walking shoes and she passed away without ever using them. They were “too good” to use on a daily basis. What good is anything unless it is used? 

This could be why Paul in, Ephesians 6:11 instructed us to “Put On.”  Use what has been generously given to you by the Holy Spirit. Everything good comes from God. If we did not need what God gives to us, He would not have given it to us. 

“Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil.” 

Little by little, this is what we are going to be meditating in our hearts. 

Let’s say a small prayer: 

Heavenly Father, Thank you for today and for teaching us what we need to know. We ask that your Holy Spirit would guide us and direct us into that place where we can be more sensitive to your voice. We desire to hear your voice clearly. Help us to bring glory by your love through our thoughts, our words, our behavior, in our families and in any situation we find ourselves. Remind us to give those who offend us, the benefit of the doubt. Remind us to always examine our own heart thoughts. We thank you Holy Spirit and we pray in Jesus, amen. 

Sorry if the picture did not paste. I've been having problems.

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