Thursday, June 14, 2018

Morning Prayer for President Trump

Heavenly Father,

We bless your name this morning. We give you all praise as we empty ourselves completely out and take control of any past thoughts and anything that would try to hinder our devotion and your will.  We fully submit to your will. Together, we want to say thank you Father for your precious Holy Spirit always being with us and forever teaching us. Your ear is always open, hearing and answering our prayers continually, even before we ask, you know our hearts. You keep us in the palm of your hand, guarding and directing us. We trust in you completely. You see it all! The very cry of our hearts!  Love, mercy, truth, goodness follow us everywhere. You bless us abundantly!  You send your angels to teach us and quicken our hearts to listen closely to your Holy Spirit. Oh Father, we delight in you! 

Heavenly Father we lift up our President to you this morning. You told us to let our requests be made known to you. We believe he was sent by you to bring our nation back to you. We believe that you selected him for this mission even before the foundation of the earth was laid.  We ask that you would continue to keep him with a sound mind and body and able to use the strong gift of discernment and judgement you gave to him. Grow and fill his heart with all wisdom, knowledge and grace.  We ask that you would continue to renew his physical body from any weariness and from any discouragement. We ask that your angels would guard our President night and day. We ask that you would send a gifted anointed cook to give him good healthy nutritious food. As a visionary we ask that you would continue to keep him lifted up,  miles ahead and above those who try to bring him down. We ask that you would bring an undeniable high favor even followed by joy in this land for our President and his team and a shaking and waking for those who try to destroy your anointed. We ask for mercy to be upon their souls and that your Holy Spirit would awaken them to see the fulness of your truth in Christ. We ask that a spirit of humility and repentance would be sent to these people.  Turn their lives upside down and inside out, according to your will Lord. Open the eyes of their hearts Father.  We thank you for this Father.

We lift up all the families of those who work with our President. We ask that your Comforter would encourage them to keep trusting in you with all their hearts. Fill them with your joy and all those around them. Keep them safe and allow them to see the works of your mighty hand. Anyone who does not know you, we ask that you would open up their hearts to be filled by your Word and touched by your Spirit.  

We ask that those who write down God’s mighty works of this historical time in our lives would write down nothing but the truth.  

We rejoice in you Lord and we pray in Jesus name, amen.

“Listen carefully and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge; For it will be pleasant if you keep them in mind [ incorporating them as guiding principles]; Let them be ready on your lips [to guide and strengthen yourself and others].” Proverbs 22:17, 18  

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