Saturday, June 30, 2018

Armor of God con't

Good Morning,

“So stand firm and hold your ground, HAVING TIGHTENED THE WIDE BAND OF TRUTH (personal integrity, moral courage) AROUND YOUR WAIST and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (an upright heart) [Is 11:5]   Ep. 6:14 Amp.

Testings are going to come so we can become stronger with God given understanding. He is continually conforming us into having the character of His son. 

One night I noticed our two cats kept looking up at the ceiling. I got out of bed, turned off my air filter and listened. Sure enough, I could hear the pitter patter of busy feet. My first thought was, “oh no, we’ve got rats! Maybe mice! Mice would be better.” See how my mind gave into fear?  The next day my husband and I both prayed, that it wasn’t anything serious. He went up the attic and saw about 20-30 bats, hanging out.  There was guano (bat droppings) scattered about the room. I too ventured half-way up and had a peek. I found out that bats are protected because of the mosquitoes they eat and a stiff fine would be given should you harm even one.  After calling around I discovered the high expense that is involved in removing wild life from your residence. Then, through a referral from the Outdoor Wildlife I landed upon a company who led me to “Micah.” Micah is a young man who knew exactly what to do and reassured us that our case was mild and as I write, the bats should be completely gone. Here was my lesson:
In the beginning, the thought of having bats just above my room frightened me a little bit, as they can carry disease and do a lot of damage to your house and the air you breathe.  Then, I saw the other side. It was God who pointed out the bats to us, right on time; so we could deal with the problem before it got out of hand and became toxic and extremely expensive. God is faithful. He is always watching over us. 

 We learn obedience through our trials. Stay alert and know when a testing comes. Be discerning and recognize the truth when you see it.  Jesus was tested, during the 40 days of fasting and you will be too. He fought the tempter with the Word of God. [Lu. 4:1-13 niv] 

The Bible also says “Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.”  [He. 5:8 niv] That in itself is a book.

When we put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, we guard our hearts. We put on God’s protective armor to protect the thought life in our hearts. In Proverbs 4:23 it says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” 

Be careful what you are putting inside of your heart. Do you hear God’s name being blasphemed on tv? Throw it out. Rebuke them and walk away! Toxic heart problems do not come from eating saturated fats! It is what we allow inside of our heart. rd [1John 2:16]

 Sooner or later the world itself will manifest itself through health and character issues, because what we put inside of us will be overflowing from our mouths. 

  1. Stand firm. No compromise. 
  2. Learn obedience. 
  3. Fight your trial by praying the Word of God.
  4. Protect what you put inside of your heart.
  5. Choose forgiveness.
  6. Learn to look on the other side. 
  7. Through it all, be thankful and give God the glory.

Let’s pray Psalm 91:
Heavenly Father,

“We thank you for being our shelter and giving us rest under your shadow. You are our refuge, our strength and our fortress. We put all our trust in you. We ask that you would continue to protect us from the fowler’s snare and all pestilence. We know that you cover us with your feathers and under your wings is where we find our refuge, for your faithfulness is our shield and rampart. We come against any fear and terror in the night time and arrows that fly near. You are the God whose thousands of enemies fall at your side, even ten thousands at your right hand and they will not come near us. We will watch and see the punishment of the wicked. Heavenly Father, you said that if we trust in you [Most High] and allow you to be first place in our lives, then no disaster will come near our tent.  You said, that you will command your angels to guard us in all our ways and not even allow our foot be be struck against a stone. You said, Because you love us, you will rescue us and will protect us for we acknowledge your name. We will call you and you will answer us. You will be with us in trouble and deliver us and honor us. You will even give us a long life and show us your salvation.” 

In Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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