Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Broken Heart

Gentle Rain

Spiritual Sacrifices

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart—These, O God, You will not despise. Ps. 51:17 nkjv

There is a true story about a young boy of perhaps 6 yrs. who was walking alongside his mother and she told him they were going to catch a bus together. They sat together upon a green bench when the mother abruptly rose from the bench and told him to stay right there and that she would return in a little while. The little boy stayed upon that bench by himself for 3 days until the authorities rescued him from his ordeal. His mother was not to be found. 

The lad grew up and he could have held on to this un-forgiveable abandonment with a heart filled with bitterness. Instead, God gave him a new heart when he found Jesus. Whereas having such a deep emotional experience that quaked his entire childhood and carried over into his adulthood, he needed a new heart. He also needed some answers and what to do with his life. He joined a church and took over the bus ministry and he and his team drove buses into places where other buses would not go to pick up children for Sunday school. They went everywhere and as a result, the bus ministry became one of the largest bus ministries that is known today. His aim was to see that every child has an opportunity to know Jesus and receive the hope of eternal life and understand the great love that was sacrificed for us.

God looks in our hearts. He looked into the anguish and hurt heart of that little boy that was abandoned on the green bench and may have thought: “I have plans for you son, plans to touch many people in your life.”  

God has the foresight. We just have to continue to trust in Him to take us through our trials.  He is looking for those who really need Him. He looks for those who are ready to make a decision in their lives to walk with Him. When He sees a heart that is humble and ready, He takes you the rest of the way.

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