Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do not allow yourself to believe a lie

My Theme for the Day is:

Do not fear

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” 1Jn. 4:18

We turn on the television and what do we hear?  First we hear about what will happen if you do not take the drugs advertized, then we hear the effects of what could happen if we do. If it wasn’t so funny, I’d get angry. We do not have marbles for a brain.
Are you living in love or fear? Just about everything they are selling out there is based on sugar coated fear camouflaged as a lie. If you do not know if you are living in love or fear, remember; God always gives power, love and a sound mind. A spirit of fear works inside of an individual by whispering lies: “you’ll never find your love, you aren’t qualified for that job, you will never lose weight.” Fear, fear, fear!  Stop believing those lies!  Once you begin to believe the accuser your torment begins. Believing the lies involves torture and pain! When you believe in lies, you are literally robbed of God’s love, power and sound mind (peace).  A spirit of fear paralyzes, blocks and places you behind an invisible prison. That spirit will brainwash you into thinking there is no hope. Such deceit!  Fear and lies or Love and faith it is your choice.
God’s love is so much greater than the accuser! Take that one step now toward Jesus Christ in prayer and He will set you free.

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