Wednesday, October 2, 2013

There is Joy right here on earth!

My Theme for the Day is:


 “I have told you these things that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy, and gladness may be full measure and complete and overflowing.”  Jn. 15:11 amp.

In the Kingdom of God there is a fullness of joy. Although you go through trials and troubles like everyone else here on earth, your heart is rejoicing because you are aware of The Holy Spirit guiding you all the way through. He will never abandon you.
The world talks about being in your happy place. While I love that fun expression there is a difference between the words happy and joy. Those of the world experience happiness through the “good luck” of things or the good fortune of thoroughly enjoying the moment. This can range from anywhere to driving a new car, getting a raise, being with your family or finding your soul mate. We feel happy. We feel all is right; all warm and fuzzy.
Joy is indescribable bliss and strength that resides within the Kingdom of God that comes from the Holy Ghost. The Kingdom of God is within a believer of Jesus Christ. The word indescribable is exactly that, it is practically impossible to describe a joyful heart,  as it is a gift and fruit of the Holy Spirit. Not the term spirit that is so popular today, but the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.  

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