Saturday, October 5, 2013

Seek Truth

My  Theme for the Day is:

Have a little foresight

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Is.5:20

Our nation is falsely being held together by a band-aid. Many are fearful and worried because they realize the bubble will burst and the comfort we know today may not be what is in our future. I am not a mathematician in anyway, but I can read the hand writing on the wall. If a nation is trillions in debt and are unable to repay it, there will be a day of reckoning. Why? It isn’t just our financial house that is out of order.

 Whether it is Hollywood or the media’s fruitless pursuit, to brainwash its listeners, and accept the kingpin’s ruler of darkness’s latest ploys to lie; can be mind staggering.

What we call wrong and perverse, they call normal. What we call discipline, they call abuse. While Christians give praise to a Holy God, R rated films take His name in vain! There is no longer any gray in the manner!  Psychologists tell parents not to discipline your children but let them express themselves. When the child becomes rebellious “and expressing themselves” the parents become bewildered and sometimes end up murdering their offspring, or the children murder their parents! Children need to know that you care enough to say no and sit on top of them with your decision! So what if you are hated for awhile! That will pass! Get tough! The child will know you cared enough to enforce the boundaries in his life when he needed them.  If not, the child will seek and seek to see if there is someone out there that cares enough to stop them from destroying themselves. Unfortunately many times it isn’t until they have run amuck with the police that their rebellious nature begins to a slow halt. Please allow your child to reap the consequences of their behavior so they can learn from it! If not, you both will have to drive around that mountain again until the lesson is learned.


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