Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Modesty is Hot Hot Hot!

  Get Wise Girls!

Would you really like to fly like an eagle?

Would you like to be the center of attention without really trying? Does it sound too good to be true?  Be forewarned: This is tough love!  If you dare to change and be different, then you need to read on.   Listen up to these words:

1. Stop modeling yourself after Hollywood. 

Hollywood is a place that is built upon the sand of fantasy, not reality. Remember, sand sinks. Think! It is a place that has little or no value of the thought of your life personally. Why should you model yourself after one of their celebrity's? If you are a beautiful bright orange, tell me; why are you trying to be an apple? It will never happen!

2. Know your value and worth!  

You are worth SO much more than your weight in gold! Most of you girls do not realize it. It does not matter where you are from, how much you weigh, what you have done in the past or your nationality. I can guarantee you have an original uniqueness inside of you that has yet to be tapped. You happen to be just as special, than that popular girl in school or at the work place that has such a stunning smile; that seems to sweep everyone off their feet. She just happens to know her gifting and uses it for her benefit. You haven’t discovered yours yet, therefore you have been using a substitute or counterfeit that never works. 

What if you can grow a vegetable garden unlike anyone on your whole block in your neighborhood? That would be because you understand the earth and the plant life.

What if you use a make-up brush the way an artist uses a paint brush on canvas? You know exactly how to cover flaws in a face and bring out the best of their beauty. You are an artist!  Go to school and bring it out to the top!

What if you happen to have a knack for having an answer to life’s problems? Go to school and go to the top of the class!

What if you are gifted as an Encourager and see the good in people and give hope everywhere you go? Learn more and help those who need you!

Do you realize how anxious people are to hear one simple sincere sentence of hope in their lives?

You, my dear; are in there somewhere! You need to start digging to find out what you have! Take time to think for you!  

3. Time to Cover up!

This is a time to believe in you and to embrace modesty. Modesty is the guardian of chastity. Here are your questions: Are you ready to stop revealing so much legs and cleavage? Do you have what it takes to begin a trend and make a difference in this world?  Can you actually dare to be different? Ask yourself who you are trying to impress and for what? What are the guys going to think of you the minute they see you? Is this what you really want? I don't think so, marriage material? No. But he might eventually ask you to move into his apartment today that is so trendy and acceptable via media. This is just another step backwards in your life.   

4. Men need Mystery!

Believe it or not, men like mystery. When they look at you, they like to visualize what could be. If you are already showing them all of your wares, what do they have to look forward to?  If you have become an easy take, now is the time for you to change and stop!
Turn around abruptly!
Go the other way!
 Do not look back!

5. Stop running after guys.

Men like the challenge of the hunt and to conqueror.  I have heard some say, “ If I don’t call them, they will never call.”  Is that right?  Do you really want someone you want to hog tie and chase down for attention?  You have become way too easy! Guys do not respect anyone who is that easy. He puts you on his “just in case” shelf when he cannot date who he really wants. Is this what you want?

This is time for you examine why you have such a low self image and self esteem.

He’s going to college and will meet many other girls. Or, if you have messed up at the work place; one of you will be moving on and it won’t be him. Stop texting and answering your phone for a month and see what happens. Can you actually make a pact with yourself and do this? Better still, could you take a giant leap and discontinue the service altogether? Those around you wouldn't believe what you are doing and still find you smiling over it.

My advice to you is to stop being so desperate because that is what you are advertizing loud and clear! Desperation.

6. Be who and what God made you to be.

If you have natural curly hair, stop straightening it. Chances are, it is gorgeous and many will envy you because of your beauty. Stop trying to be something that you aren't. Be satisfied with how God created you to be. Take a good look at yourself and be thankful for how He has made you. Stop complaining for what you do not have, but look at the assets of what you do have and learn how you can emphasize them. 

Stop comparing yourself with other people. You are you! You do not know the life of the one you are envying. They could go home to a complete hell on this earth. Begin to look around you, you will always see those who are much worse off than you. 

Be thankful and live a thankful life. If you choose this one step, it will show on your face and your life will model it's virtue.  

You will have to change your thinking processes to change your life.  
Stand up! Stand out! Dare to be different!  Seek to find out what you are good at and begin to master what you discover in yourself. Believe me, it is in there.

God does not make mistakes! He made you very special and unique! Like one of those individual snowflakes that fall just at the right time our earth needs it.

God bless all of you who persevered through this reading.

Below is a good article I stumbled upon from CBN


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