Friday, October 25, 2013

Believe for it!

Gentle Rain

Believe for it!

“Because you have so little faith, I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mt. 17:20 niv

A mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds you will ever find. Jesus said that it becomes one of the largest trees where birds will gather upon their branches. I am a great believer in practicing “mustard seed faith.”  I placed many mustard seeds in a plastic baggy along with a paper of requested prayers.  At times I place them under my pillow at night and there are other times I carry them around in my purse as a reminder for me, that God is making a way to bring them to pass. When I think of my requests, I thank God ahead of time for answering my prayers.

There are those of us who have stubborn faith and refuse to give up. We know that we know that we know.

If you have an ounce of farmer inside of you, then you may know what goes on when you plant a seed inside of the soil.  We plant the seed in the earth. The seed has to be in the right kind of soil, in the right kind of depth, have a certain amount of oxygen and water in order for the seed to germinate. There is a dormant embryo inside of the seed waiting to crack the earth and reach for the sun.

When you send a prayer to God it is a specialized seed and only He knows what kind of soil it needs in order for it to eventually give root. Think of your prayer as being temporarily dormant. Do not give up! People’s lives have to be moved and sometimes hearts changed behind the scenes in order for your prayer to be answered. God uses His angels and they are being sent out to work for you. This can take time.  Believe that God has heard you and is working upon your behalf. He is a mighty God and nothing is impossible when you stand upon a small mustard size faith.

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