Monday, November 18, 2013

The Kingdom of our Lord will become the Kingdom of our World

The Earth is Changing

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” 16 And the twenty-four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying: “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. 18 The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great– and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” 19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm. Revelation 11:15 


Think about what those verses are saying! I lay upon my bed at times and think about how the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of our Lord and I can see it! I’ve seen it for years now.
I can see it! I do not believe the completion will happen in a split second, nor will it take an hour, day or year. But the Kingdom of God is a gradual thing. Those who have ears can hear it and those who have spiritual eyes can see it. Why is our wildlife making strange friendships now? A deer chooses a Labrador as his best buddy and runs around the whole yard to play with him and eventually brings his family to meet his buddy. A goose chooses to come out of the lake and befriends a man with a heart condition who has to walk every day. The gander has chosen to be a best friend to this man, to walk beside him, protect him and be exactly what he needs during this time of his life. He is a widower and lives in an apartment, therefore cannot take the gander home. They actually have to hold the gander back to keep her from following the car in flight back to his apartment. There are so many odd relationships going on and one of the strangest is when a tiger relinquishes his fresh meat to allow a mouse have a bite to eat. I believe, that is part of the Kingdom of our Lord. When a goat befriends a blind old horse and guides him to the pasture every day until the horse passes over, THAT is the Kingdom of our Lord coming upon the earth. Look to God’s creation and you will see the Kingdom of God coming upon the kingdom of our world.

When you see the large movement of organic growing upon our earth, THAT is all a part of the Kingdom of our Lord. No chemicals that kill, but natural herbicides instead.

When a dragonfly lands upon your hand or arm and cocks its big gorgeous blue green eyes up at you, That is all a part of the movement. Why do hummingbirds land upon your arms, happy that you have given them their sweet treat that lasts them throughout the seasons?

I believe every time you hear of a miraculous breakthrough in the medical community of fingers or arms regrowing THAT is a part of the Kingdom of our Lord 

The teenage genius Jack Andraka invented the detection of pancreatic cancer!!!  My mother died from such a horrific disease!  God is using whom He chooses to continue to bring the Kingdom of our Lord upon our earth.

Do not fear! The Kingdom of God is coming upon here!

It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, it is coming. It is slowly moving and developing upon the face of the earth and every knee is really going to bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  

We have both sides: The Kingdom of darkness that magnifies everything that is negative and wrong with today and that includes politics, crime etc. With every Spiritual rule and aspect that God presents with the Kingdom of God, the dark kingdom gives you a counterfeit that will never satisfy your soul.  You will always thirst and reach for the truth, but not able to obtain this precious gift unless you humble yourself and accept Jesus as your Lord.

It is easy to dwell upon the works of darkness and their manipulation of fear through bad news. Just turn on the television and continue to watch and hear them politically lambast the left and right and how bad each side is until they all churn into buttermilk. Thick as it is!

You might think about the ongoing tragic weather changes we have had? What does that have to do with the Kingdom of our Lord? If we refuse to recycle plastics, keep dumping our toxic wastes under Yucca mountain and elsewhere like in our rivers and creeks, chopping trees down and not replacing them (because of men’s greed), say in the Amazon; what do you think is going to happen to our planet? We learned early on in school that with every action there is a cause. Biblically it is called sowing and reaping. Do not blame God for something that we have done to ourselves. Nor give credit to the devil, when it is our own greedy flesh.

Everyone has heard about the butterfly affect. Does a flap of a butterfly wings send a tornado in Texas?  What I do here can affect someone completely on the other side of the world. Everything we do, say and think has substance and counts for something. Nothing is wasted. That is the power of God’s mighty creation and so much more powerful than you can ever imagine.

In realizing this, our planet is rebelling and trying to heal itself, after all that is the way our God created it, but we with all of our precious electronic  junkyards (and I really do like my computer), toxins, nuclear plants,  chemicals; well we just won’t let it happen. We think of other options that would not allow us to sacrifice the comfortable life we have, but we haven’t come up with any solutions yet.  Through greed and disrespect, we have upset our eco system. If we already know chemicals are bad for us, why are we still buying them and using them? If we know it is bad to cut down the Amazon Rain Forest and not replace it, why are we doing it? If we know that when we have an abortion we are taking a life, why are we still doing it? If we know we are in debt and cannot pay what we have borrowed why do we continue to follow this path? If we have kicked our dog, why do we have that dog?


Every time someone says no to stealing, cheating and lying
If they bend over to be kind to one another.......
When you see someone rescue a bird, dog or cat, hugs a child or gives to those who in need; you are seeing the Kingdom of our Lord coming upon our world and you are being a part of this Kingdom.
There you have my take of the Kingdom of our Lord coming upon our earth, yet we still see and experience the Kingdom of Darkness in full bloom.  I have news for the darkness. Light will continue to expose what is in the darkness and wins!

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