Sunday, February 28, 2010

God, do you mean me?

When God speaks do we really hear Him, or do we think it is our minds thoughts playing overtime? When He talks, what does He sound like?
I believe that God speaks in the language of every unique person so that they will be able to understand what He is saying to them individually. And, we certainly are all individuals. One person may refuse to give up southern fried chicken, while another one wants their nightly ice cream if possible, then; a nice nightcap is always soothing after a hard days work. We’re all different and that is what makes our lives so exciting.
Usually, when the Holy Spirit talks you’ll discover that He will be talking about the same thing to everyone only in various degrees and ways. For example: lately I have been noticing a lot of talk about being in the favor of God and acceleration. When you are in Christ and He is in you, there is a favor placed upon you because you were adopted into the family of God. This means you are royalty and God looks to you as His child, one to whom He can bestow favor and blessings, if you will believe and allow it.
Today there seems to be an acceleration in almost everything when you look at the world. From the speed of NASCAR to athletes who take steroids to accelerate their speed or buff up their muscle. Hollywood puts out movies so fast, it makes our heads spin and when any one does something that fast, how good can they be? Think about the word acceleration and all you have to do is look at the iPods, the cell phones and television. What if God Himself accelerated all of those lost years in your life and brought the breakthrough you’ve been praying for? It can happen if you believe that it can happen. It is easy to believe there is a store around the corner, because you’ve been there, but what about an area in your life you haven’t tapped into yet? What about getting out of your comfort zone when you hear Him talk to you? You may not feel equipped to go to the other side of earth and give a message, but He knows what you are made of and wants you to do it.
It will happen. It can happen, but you must believe with great expectations, knowing that our father brings only good in your life.
God is not the one who creates cracked pots, we do it to ourselves by the thoughts we provoke our lives with. The thoughts we hang onto that we think will protect our ego. Oh us of such little faith. Besides, our ego doesn’t need any protection. It is time to let it go and get on with the real life that brings us up and no longer pulls us downward.