The 2010 Oil Leak that Kills Millions
When doesn’t an oil leak kill, when it keeps pumping thousands of gallons a day into pure salt water? Those that are afraid of their beaches need to be concerned about the marine life that depends upon that water. Why can we take a man to the moon but not stop up a leak? Why do we deem controlling the world so important, yet not take care of our own doorsteps? Why are we are so belligerent, yet are so weak? What is wrong with this picture?
Millions of people are weeping over the 2010 oil spill into our beautiful gulf water where dolphins play and fish are abundant. Some weep for themselves in fear of their businesses, not caring about the innocent life that swims in the sea and had nothing to do with this atrocity.
Is this a judgment by God or is it a unthinking slip of shoddiness from man’s greed? It doesn’t matter what it is, the important thing is to get the oil leak fixed as fast as possible from anyone and as of this writing it is pumping out many more thousands of gallons a day or more.
So what can we working people do to fight against this? Remember one thing, when BP commences with bankruptcy it will come back as another name. Be wise, be informed and know!
Fight back! Fight against any drilling in the gulf ever again! It could be too late for our marine life to be saved, maybe in 15-20 years without the interference of man things could be turned back to normalcy. If you believe in miracles, God could intervene; He knows there has been an zillion amounts of prayers to Him.
But have we repented, in order to unleash His rescue?