Monday, December 12, 2011

The Assurance of Passing from Death into Life

The Assurance of Passing from Death into Life

            1 John 3:14 says “ we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” KJV
Again, in the Amplified version it says “We know that we have passed over out of the death into the life by the fact that we love the brethren (our fellow Christians). He who does not love abides – remains, is held and kept continually – in spiritual death.”
            Grab a hold of this concept for just a minute if you can. Think upon the incredible confidence that you have inside of you that assures you of eternal life, knowing without any doubt that you will not die, but live forever. How can you have this gift? Oh yes, definitely by accepting Jesus, but once you have done that you are filled with His love and then a miraculous growth happens inside of you; you have God’s (remember, God is love) sperm inside of you. A sperm conceives and grows!  It is this very love of God that equips you and enables you to give His love away to those around you. Those verses talk about other believers. I am not talking about the Hollywood love that is dramatized in the movies and on TV every day, but the type of love that takes time to understand one another and to help each other. It is called “Agape.”   If you truly have God’s love inside of you, your faith is going to work with this love and create quite a student, servant and worker in every area of your life. And, it is all because you personally met God the Father through His Son and allowed the Holy Spirit to do a love work in your life.
            A love work that passes from death unto life!
            You will be pregnant with kindness and want to be kinder to those whom you meet because you will know that you have a type of badge now that is representing The Church or Body of Christ. You will learn patience and catch your tongue, even when you feel like lashing back at times and while going through life’s trials; you’ll know without a doubt that The Holy Spirit will continue to guide and direct you through the whole ordeal. Sometimes, you’ll feel so full of joy, you will have to skip or dance if you can, other times you will see God’s goodness while a friend quietly gives you counsel or hear the morning bird sing a song just for you. You will see God’s goodness and gentleness everywhere you go. Because of His great love; you choose to be humble, grateful and thankful and continually in awe while you walk on in your journey and you have a peace and it is His peace that the world cannot understand.
            You see, when a soul humbly comes to God through Jesus Christ and says “yes Lord, I don’t understand it all, but I believe,” it is He who takes you the rest of the way. The Holy Spirit woos and courts you in the beginning. First you get curious about the Bible and what it says about who you are or about what kind of God the Bible talks about, therefore; you begin to read. If you are guided wisely, you will begin in the book of John with a prayer and if you are sincere, the Holy Spirit will open up rich treasures that will satisfy your heart for a lifetime and as you continue to get your strength, in the Word.  

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Survivor Psalm

Survivor Psalm

I have been victimized
I was in a fight that was not a fair fight.
I did not ask for the fight.
I lost.
There is no shame in losing such fights.
I have reached the stage of survivor and
am no longer a stage of victim status.
I look back with sadness
rather than hate.
I look forward to hope
rather than despair.
I may never forget, but I need not
constantly remember.
I was a victim.
I am a survivor.

unknown author