Monday, September 23, 2013


“Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Lu.6:37

Forgiving can be a hard nut to crack when the transgression keeps recurring. Is it possible that the offender does not have it inside them to live up to our high expectations? And, if we are mulling over bitter memories of unfairness, could it be the wrongdoer did what they could; with what they had to work with at the time? Understanding and solutions do not necessarily come quickly to all people. It is also good to give others the benefit of the doubt. Do not read your imaginations into their hearts, as this can be a reflection of the misdoings in your soul. Allow others to make mistakes because you know they will. In that way, perhaps they will overlook yours.
In the meantime, imperfection is absolutely perfect because I am reminded how we have the righteousness of Christ inside of us that will continue to guide us home.

Do we really pray when requested?


"He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." PS. 91:1

When my friends request prayer, I sometimes jokingly come back with a, "I will, my phone is always off the hook with Him." Interpreted: I never hang up. Our spirit connects to the Holy Spirit and the lines of communication begin. I purposely choose to stay under His umbrella. It is my place of unspeakable joy, stability, peace and continual assurance of His love.

How can that be, in such a fearful and violent world that we live in today?

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord ushers in a new way of living. Can you trust Him today to take you the rest of the way?


"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings of eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." Is. 40:31

The more trials you go through the more strength you need. It takes strength to believe for the answer to your prayer. Crying babies in the middle of the night, a sick spouse, addictions, an abusive situation, laid off or a car accident. Your special set of circumstances are between those lines. God is using those trials to make you stronger and able to spit nails at the enemy! Now take a magnifying glass and look closer. God's light will shine upon the solution, not the problem. Then, you will be strong.

Never give up!


"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap; if we faint not." Ga. 6:9

There are times we know we are doing good and believe we can be affecting many lives just by being obedient; but, there are times when we get tired. Our minds get tired, our body's get tired and we sit and start to ponder about the whole thing. Sigh. Sometimes we think how ravishingly selfish we could get in so many ways. After we've allowed ourselves a 10 min. pity party, we decide to comb our hair, brush ourselves off and say: "Oh yes Lord!" 
You never ever leave me. I've gone too far now, to turn back. 

Never give up!


"Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord." Ps. 31:24

Hope never fails. Hope never gives up. Is there still breath within yourself? Then, there is still hope. We have a God who blesses us and strengthens us when we refuse to give up hope. Our journey may not be an easy one at times, and we all have our individual tight walk of trials. You may even feel there are times when you are hanging onto your hope at the edge of a cliff by your fingers. Grasp it! Hold it tight! Your hope will take you to the faith you need to get back on that solid ground where our Lord takes you the rest of the way. 

Never give up!