Saturday, August 20, 2016

A Full Moon

For some reason a full moon always runs havoc on my sleeping patterns. Anyone can call during this time of light and get a big fat wide awake hello! My mind reasons: “get some sleep!” But the body says: “nah, this is your chance to have some fun.”  I finally get up, sometimes have coffee, read, take a walk around the porch and listen to the melodious instruments harmonizing in the bush or log onto the world of ups & downs in “Web city.”  

I was thinking in the wee hours of this morning, how no matter what kind of darkness comes after the full moon leaves us, we are still left with Gods light. Jesus left us with His truth and the proof of His Holy Comforter. I say proof because it is by The Holy Spirit that awakens our Spirits to be born again. Think of it, over 2,000 years ago the anointing of His Words still supernaturally preform the miracle of changing hearts and lives. Others will continue to bring in Science, Metaphysics and formulas from the Universal aspects of vibrations and energy to disprove this ancient belief in Christianity and compromise their walk, but in reality it always circles around to proving God’s Word. 

Do you think the name of God is “The Universe?”   No I don’t think so, because I believe we have a God so much larger than that, but I do know the universe was created by His paint brush. The Bible says He is the God of all Creation. 

Remember, if you are a born again believer Jesus said that the testings would come, persecutions would come. He told us to count the cost of being a Christian. There will be somedays when you will feel like you are walking alone, but you aren’t. Think for a moment what it means to be a bonafide “modern” last day believer in Jesus Christ. This means that God calls you His children because when you accepted His Son as your Savior, you were adopted into His family! Not only that but you were hand selected and picked for this very hour and day to live a life in faith. He calls you His son - His daughter. I cannot imagine a better life, or a better word that stirs up the victorious gift of Grace that was given to us because He first loved us before we even knew Him. His courtship is irresistible! 

Prayer for this Morning:

Heavenly Father,

We are so thankful we can call you Abba Father! We are your children that have not been born again unto a man’s seed, but we’ve been born again by your Spirit and Truth. What a privilege to honor you in Spirit and Truth! What an honor to call you Father! We say thank you, to live in such a time as this and walk in faith and know without a doubt that you hear our prayers. You love us more than our earthly fathers could ever do. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who continues to reveal all truth to us and gently guides us how to be Overcomers. Thank you for Your Son who gave us the Spirit of Restoration and became the bridge to take away our sins.

We ask for continued discernment in everything we see and hear. Show us how to sift all the junk from the world and toss away the rotten fruit. 

In Jesus name, Amen

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, given to them that believe on his name.”  John 1:12