Thursday, April 27, 2017

Prayer of Gratitude

Good Morning Out There! 
I look up, and think about the innumerable riches given to us through Christ. Over and over I am amazed over God's goodness, puzzled by His long immoveable stand on mercy and overwhelmed by His love. When we trip up, we fall into His hand. When we cannot sleep, He gives us ideas. When we are hurt and wounded, He embraces us with His Comforter. We are then, cushioned by His gift of Grace. Is there anything that our God cannot do? Nothing is impossible with God if you have faith. 
Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Small prayer of gratitude:
Heavenly Father,
From our hearts, we adore you. We give you honor and praise this morning. We call you Holy as we bow before you. We see your hand in our lives, everywhere; we see your glory. Thank you for continually rescuing us, forgiving us, healing us in so many ways, sheltering us, speaking to us, correcting us and being present at all times. You are ever constant in our lives. Help us be the Bride that we are called to be and reflect your glory this hour and day.
In Jesus amen