Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Good Morning,

It is so easy to burn a bridge, but after that, 
how are you going to get across the river? 
Why, take a boat of course! 
But, what if the boat has a leak and starts to sink? 
Well, why not swim across that river?
But, the river has rough current going over slippery rocks!
Then, you grab hold of those slippery rocks, 
pull yourself up and carefully walk across!

What do I do when I get across the river?
You begin to look around.
What for?
For strong trees. 
What for?
To use, to build back that bridge. 

Couldn’t I have first built back the bridge I had burned?
No. You had to learn how easy it is to destroy something 
that helps you pass over to the other side. You had to learn
there are no substitutes for the real thing and you had to
learn that though you will slip in your life, there will be a large 
rock that will hold you up. Through many storms, You my daughter, had to learn to
have the strength of a tree planted by the water.

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:8 (NIV)

Let’s pray and agree together this morning:

Precious Father,

We have a heart filled with gratitude this morning. We realize that even a grateful heart comes from you. We choose to honor you in every way we can. We praise your Holy Spirit for always 
teaching us, giving us words of understanding and never giving up on us. Thank you for 
embracing us with your truth and your love. We truly marvel how you hear all of our prayers.
We ask that you would help us glorify you and hear your voice in a clearer way. In your son Jesus name, amen. 

May God Bless your day!