Thursday, April 12, 2018

Egyptians coming to Christ

Prophecy continues to be fulfilled as the Bible proves itself over and over.

Healing for today?

This lady was healed from a case of severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Never give up

"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Ps. 34:18

I don't think I know anyone who hasn't had their heart broken, been rejected, humiliated and even accused of things that were not true. Sadly children  begin to experience these heartbreaks when they are young. Books written about ourselves will reveal times when we betrayed our conscience and have slung arrows at one another. Deliberate looks of distain and contempt towards another can bring the receiver a life shattering effect they replay throughout their lives.

Further, I don't know anyone who hasn't felt the pangs of loneliness from time to time. The old saying, "you can be filled in a room full of people and still be lonely" is true. I heard from a very good source that loneliness has become an epidemic in our nation. Where is the love?

Whatever you are going through today, you are not alone. There is someone out here who has gone through the same thing. You may look at another's happy marriage with wishful thinking. But, the truth is you do not really know what they had to go through to get to that blissful state in their lives. Two pieces of flint can easily begin a fire, but one of them is going to have to throw the water.  Neither envy the one who seems always happy, joyful, full of faith and the Word of God and really has it together. Every time you see someone who is joyful and strong, try to remember they had to go through the furnace of affliction to be melted down and reformed into God's will, not their own. Not everyone talks about their trials.

Seek God with a humble heart, the verse above says He will rescue you when you do. He sees and bottles every single tear,  He knows when your heart aches and feels the pangs of your loneliness and your struggles. We have a God who doesn't waste a thing in our lives.  Every single thing that you are going through will be turned around to comfort others, bring an encouraging word and offer that fresh drink of spring water they so desperately need.


Heavenly Father,
My heart hurts. I don't know where to turn. Please forgive my sins, (confess your sins). I trust in you with everything inside of me. I ask that  you would heal my heart. Heal my life. Direct me into that place of peace and joy and mold me into your will. Send me good godly friends I can draw strength from and teach me your ways. Thank you Lord, in your Son I pray. Amen  


Friday, April 6, 2018

Before you dine from a silver platter, you must first eat from a paper plate.

Enjoy Frank Sonnenberg's continual wisdom writings as he urges us to examine: What are we doing wrong?  After all, we cannot force anyone to like us!