Thursday, February 28, 2019

Can you possibly grasp the Love of our Father? Our God is Love.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.” 1John 3:1-3

“How Great!” O how great is the love the Father has lavished on us! We are cherished. We are a reflection of the heartbeat of Jesus’ pumping life throughout the whole body. His children are walking love vessels of His grace.  Have you considered how your smile and good attitude warms a heart? Every time your love reaches out to someone you are expressing God’s Spirit of amazing love inside of you and could be saying: 

“My child, I love you and I accept you right where you are at in your life. I see the  struggles in your heart and if you continue to trust in me; I am going to bring you through these rough waters.”  You have become a hope giver in Christ. 

We are privileged to be called, “The Children of The Holy Spirit~The Children of Love.”  We were begotten into The Family of Christ. We ran to the cross! Yes Lord!  We know this by, The fruit of His Word. God loves us so much that he continues to guide us and teaches us His precepts not by study only; but by the experiences we go through. He holds us close as we learn obedience and become strong in our faith. In every area of our lives we can experience His love. He gives us what we need to walk the word. By faith, His children feast upon His love and all the while begetting more love until our faith is clearly written in the sand. And, as we stand upon this rock, we watch our Father’s incredible and unspeakable mercy that continues to multiply after His kind. 

Look outside! Look up! Be ready, for our King will be coming! 

Precious Father,

We honor you Precious Father. Thank you for lavishing your love upon us. Thank you for holding us close to your heart. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering them. Thank you for giving us your truth. For your faithfulness, for never leaving us, for your guidance, for opening up our eyes and most important we thank you for Your Son Jesus Christ.  We turn every part of our hearts to lean upon your love and truth. Embrace us with your love Father. Saturate us completely and Baptize us with your Love and boldness. Take us by our arm and teach us how to give our best to you Father. Bring us closer to your heart. Continue to fashion us to be Wordwalkers. Faithwalkers. Lovewalkers in your Son. Sift all stains we have inside of our hearts that we are not aware of and wash them with your word. 

You said our thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not our ways. We cannot imagine how your heart aches over all these abortions in our nation, and now delivering them being left to die. These are our future leaders they are killing. You said that children are a gift from you. What can we do Father? Your word in Psalm 102:18 also says how there is a future generation that a people not yet created may praise the Lord. I believe that is us. Your word also says how you look down upon the earth and hear the groans of the prisoners and release those condemn to death. So your name will be declared in Zion. By one breath, your Holy Spirit can stop these killings. By one word, your hand can take out the wicked. By one order, all these murders can be stopped. We pray through the righteousness of your Holy Spirit all abortions will be abolished in our land. We pray that repentance will flow like a river from one end of our nation to the other end. We ask that you would prepare our hearts, minds and bodies to deal with this movement. Prepare your church Father, make us strong.  We request all evil minds/hearts would cease in your presence and they would know you are Lord and would bow before you. Humble the wicked Father. We ask this nation would be One Nation Under You Father. Rise up your people with a boldness who will confess your name with boldness! Confess your love and forgiveness. Confess the cross. In your son we ask, amen. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

God listens, now we must listen.

Good Morning,

“If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!” Psalm 66:18-20

He listens. Now we must listen.

You may have lost your job yesterday, but look up! God has something much better for you today. If your friend betrayed you last night, you were given discernment in the morning. If your husband lied and cheated, sooner or later; your heart was provoked to forgive. If a promotion went to a younger “more savvy” worker and you became angry, rejoice! Use that anger to start your own business! There isn’t one thing that doesn’t come into your life that cannot be turned around for the glory of God.  Begin to look for it in faith.  

God’s word has never told us not to do something, that we are not capable of doing.

Sometimes it can be like: “You can do this!  But, I never said it was going to be an easy trip!” 

We become a framework of love that circles around the cross. If we should wander a foot from the cross, at first we will experience a gentle nudging. If we ignore his nudging, we could fall into a pit, that makes us to look up.  Our Creator knows us inside and out. Don’t ask why an incident happened in your life. God allowed it to build His strong character inside of you. He doesn’t waste a thing in our lives.  Be thankful!  If I were to build a house, the first thing I’d look for is its strength.  He loves us, that much!

Slowly, turn yourself around and look how far the Holy Spirit has brought you from your yesterdays.  “Praise be to God, who has not rejected our prayers or withheld his love for us.” 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you Father for listening to our prayers. Thank you for not rejecting our words when we pray nor withholding your love from us. Thank you for sharpening our conscience to make our decisions fruitful. Help us to be faithful and true to what you have called us to do. Help us to learn through our weaknesses and become strong in your love. Help us to be ones who apply your word in every area of our lives. We confess your son is Lord and we pray in His name. Amen