Monday, December 28, 2020

If a nation of GODLY INTEGRITY looked like a man

 If a nation of Godly Integrity looked like a man. 

What would that nation look like? 

I had the good fortune of living on and off at my grandparents farm. To this day, I love everything about farms, especially old barns. Everywhere my grandfather went, I would tag along. He was up before dawn and would only come in to eat, take a quick nap and then back to his chores. His work was never done and he never gave up when he was tired. 

Picture a nation as a farmer. Every morning, he would slip into his old worn overalls. His weathered beaten face would be lined with wrinkles that was received by the storms in life. His calloused hands would reflect the times of battle for freedom and truth. He would grab a firm grip of the handle of his plow and he would learn the priceless gift of wisdom his past has wrought. When a good harvest was given, he eagerly shared his plenty with those less fortunate and when the harvest was small, he was still thankful. His faith was constant in God.  Privately, he would shed tears as he prayed. Godly integrity is humble and overwhelmed with thankfulness. 

The integrity of a nation cannot be built upon past victories or pride. Nor of those who happened to be born “under a lucky star” into wealth and rule alongside of Kings and Queens. True godly Integrity cannot come from the wisdom of the world, but comes from the Spirit and wisdom of God. Integrity in a nation is given by anchored faith in the foundation of  Christ and found in none other.  Godly integrity is nailed tight upon the cross and will never retreat in times of a crisis. 

What happens when a nation loses its integrity and replaces it with lies? 

As I write, there is a great dividing line of the sheep and the goats in America.  

What happened America? Why are you losing your freedoms?

“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”   2Co. 3:17

Imagine I am holding one beautiful apple and then in the other hand  another apple that looks good on the outside but when you slice it, you can see tiny browned holes inside where worms have been secretly eating and multiplying.  One apple came from a good tree and the other apple came from a bad tree.

Would you take a bite out of that rotten apple? That is what happened to America. 

Years ago, our forefathers dedicated our land on prayer and godly principles and God blessed our land. Does this mean our ancestors did nothing wrong in the new world? Of course not! We did plenty! Does this mean they did not have trials and tests? They had many! Time moved on through the ages and America was seduced to remove prayers, the Bible and God from schools declaring it to be offensive to those who are atheist. We shook hands with a lying spirit. We permitted the exchange our freedoms and compromised our love and faith in God. The unholy spirit will always give you a rotten apple in return.  

Here is your answer: Removing the foundation of God’s Spirit in our nation  [our homes, our schools, our work places, our government] results in the removal of our freedoms that God has given to us through Christ. We chose the sophistication of worldly wisdom instead of God’s wisdom. We exchanged apples. The genius of Einstein’s formulas became much more attractive to us. Yet, he himself radically searched after God, desiring how to ride upon light to reach Him.  

We exchanged the truth of God for a lie and then, little by little those lies started replacing His gift of freedom. When we draw away from The Holy Spirit, He draws away from us. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. 

Unless those worms are cut out, the whole apple will be rotten. 

Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid, God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”   Exodus 20:20

America, God has come to test you. The only thing we should fear is to fear God Himself. The fear of God will keep you from sinning. 

Instead, America compromised. We have removed the Spirit of God and aligned ourselves with a lie. We have replaced His Spirit with teachings of perversities:

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that call darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!“ Isaiah 5:20

A lying spirit always destroys God’s truth and is replaced with fear.  America becomes captive.  These enmities work from within like the worms work inside of the apple.

Pray with me for our nation.


Heavenly Father,

Open the eyes of our hearts and direct our lives to reflect your truth. Be our strength and increase our faith to not waver or fear, but to trust in you more than our yesterdays. Forgive our reckless past judgements, our careless thoughts and words.  We choose to lean upon your judgements and your words. Your word tells us that you teach your people how to fear you and how your eyes do not miss a thing upon the earth. You care for us. In the past, You O Father have rescued our nation from death, from famine and all those who call upon your Son Jesus, are given a new heart. Through our sorrows you have lifted our soul. Through our helplessness, time and again, it is You who were our strength. Through our doubts, you have given us hope. Though we have tripped and stumbled, you have always been with us.  You are our Father and have always been there; loving us and guiding us. When we lack love, your Spirit of love responds with more grace. You are kind and gentle when we are weak with a sensitive heart. You have healed all the pains of our past. Today, with your help we refuse to worry or  fret about the future; for we know it is all in your hands. We know you hear our prayers and that our nation, was founded upon your principles and not mans. America belongs to you Father. By faith, we know you are working invisibly in our land and setting things in order to bring back those who belong to you. To restore goodness to those who cry out for your help and mercy. By faith, we believe all abortions will be once and for all abolished. By faith, we believe all pedophile rings will be destroyed and all those involved be held accountable. By faith, we believe your justice will reign in our land once again. By faith we believe the fear of man will be replaced by love and faith and that we will discover how the lie of permissiveness breeds rebellion against your truth. Forgive us Lord.  By faith, we will continue to stand upon your word in these times of trouble and know you will deliver your people. By faith, our hearts will rejoice in your unfailing love as we put all of our hope in you. By faith we ask that our nation will once again be called blessed as we declare our God is the Lord. For we know that your angels encamp around those who fear you. By faith we ask that our nation would turn from evil and do good. Together we ask that you would heal those whose hearts have been shattered through these trials and we ask you would save those whose spirits have been crushed. We ask that you send your comforter and encourage them with the hope of your Son Jesus. We declare the Kingdom of God to be on earth, as it is in heaven. Together, we boldly declare that Jesus Christ is Lord.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Anointed Worship

I pray this will bless you as much as it does me.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Listen to the Prophets