Monday, March 29, 2021

Everything comes in threes ! Think about it!

 Long ago I was laying upon my bed and thinking about some of the things I had learned. Being an artist, [I paint, write and garden] I looked out the window and for the first time I noticed 3 shades of green upon the leaves I was watching in the trees. I looked further and saw how each tree gave off 3 colors. Then, I started to really get into looking for the 3's.. Each tree or plant has 1 trunk, branches and the roots. Three again! I started to think about how Jesus said He was the Vine and we are the branches. Is the root our Father who is a Spirit~ who is Love? Everything has three's. Let's break it down, let's look at one single leaf. We can see the stem, the veins and then the face. Everyone knows about the egg. We have the shell, the white and the yolk. Let's get a little bit more personal, look down at your fingernails. We have the nail, the moon and the cuticle. Are you excited yet? I am a retired hairdresser. Take a look of your hair:The 3 inner layers become the hair, made up of the cuticle, the cortex and the medulla. Not intimate enough? Ok, go to our eyes. WOW! Such a Wow! We have the, Cornea: This is the front layer of your eyes, Pupil: The pupil is the black dot in the center of your eye that acts as a gateway for LIGHT. Iris: This part is typically referred to as your eye color. Not enough? What about the 3 main primary colors on the color wheel? The ones whom all colors come from? RED, BLUE and YELLOW! 

Am I telling you that everything derives from threes? Yes. Ok, let's get a bit difficult. What about something like a jellyfish? After all a jelly fish is all mushy, like our homemade jelly and doesn't seem to have a whole lot inside of it, right? Wrong! The body of a jellyfish exhibits radial symmetry and is divided into three main parts: The umbrella, the oral arms [around the mouth] and the stinging tentacles. 

Not enough? Ok, let's just zero into the heart!! 

The heart is a muscle in the body that is about the size of a persons clenched fist. There are three types of muscle in the body: cardiac, smooth, and skeletal. Cardiac muscle cells are located in the walls of the heart, appear striated, and are under involuntary control. The heart has hree layers of tissue which form the heart wall. The outer layer of the heart wall is the epicardium, the middle layer is the myocardium, and the inner layer is the endocardium.

Have you noticed everything is in threes? 

We were created in the image of God. Body, soul and Spirit. We can easily break down everything into more 3's too. He said, "Let us make man in our image." Do I understand it all? Nope. 

But when I look at the triune colors of the gulf I can see God's hand! When I see the triune colors of the sand, I see Him again. Everything is reflected to give Him glory and be pleasing in His sight. 

Even in our wording.... 

We cannot give God thanks from our heart, unless we are: 

1. Born Again

2. Humble

3. Following His Covenant of love in our life.

Our soul can be broken down into 3 parts:

1. Mind

2. Will [decision center]

3. Emotions

What about the Body you might say?

The human body consists of a bony skeleton and muscles. The 3 main parts of the body are: the head, the trunk and the limbs[extremities] The head is composed of the cranial and the facial parts. 

Lastly, What about the Spirit? THE THREE PARTS OF THE SPIRIT—


Just as our body has many parts, so does our spirit and our soul. Our spirit is composed of three: conscience, fellowship, and intuition. The conscience is for us to discern right from wrong, to justify or to condemn. Romans 9:1 compared with Romans 8:16 proves that the conscience is a part of our spirit. Fellowship is for us to contact God and to commune with God. This is shown in John 4:24 and Romans 1:9. Intuition means to have a direct sense or feeling in our spirit, regardless of reason or circumstance. First Corinthians 2:11 indicates that our spirit can know what our soul cannot. Our soul knows by reason or by circumstance, but our spirit can perceive without these. This is intuition, the direct sense in our spirit.

There you have something else to think about. 

Blessings to all who have taken the time to read this. 


The WORMWOOD Prophecy: 2029 Asteroid Striking Earth? | Tom Horn [Just in case you missed it]

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Peace, be still #4


Peace, be still #4  

We all go through hard times. Years back, I did not think of how rough I had it, except when the old car broke down and I had a tough time getting to work. We lived off an old bumpy dirt road and every time I would go over a bump it would shovel dirt from underneath. When I got home, I would have to crawl under the car to remove what I called, the collector and pour out the dirt. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but miraculously,  the car kept starting.  We all ate plenty of beans and greens flavored with bacon or fatback and rice. When my sons started to talk about motorcycles, I got them horses instead and this brought them the freedom to ride their horses through the woods and around our nearby lake. We did not have it easy, but we did live by faith, under the protection of God’s Holy umbrella. Although I was wobbly at times like the spiritual toddler I was, I kept learning how to trust in God and how to keep my mind stayed upon Him. 

How you might ask?

Remaining humble. When our hearts are humble, The Holy Spirit begins to unmask where we fall short and He does this by the tests we go through. He is gracious to reveal any rooted stains of selfishness, self-righteousness or pride and sometimes stains can be hard to get out! Our hidden fears can surface a blind form of bondage where peace cannot reside. Sometimes, we become so busy we cannot see it. If we are not careful, the fear of man will entrap a Christian. Only when we are open to the love working miracle, of the Holy Spirit can we change and move on.  He begins to say, “drop it, let it go and move on.”

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you were given His seed of love to germinate and grow into all forms of the fruit of the Spirit and it is this fruit that we receive and use when we go through those trials.  “God’s love is shed abroad in mens hearts.” And, we grow by applying this truth with faith. This is the Covenant of Love that Jesus bought for us to be fulfilled.  Ro. 5:5 Ga. 5:6 Ro.13:8 

Exercising this Law of love will bring us our much needed peace. 

How many people know that, a teacher always walks through everything they give? We do not just study and pray about it; but we walk through our words first hand. All the time! This is not an easy task and when The Holy Spirit is at the helm, our words become time sensitive. Deep within our hearts we choose to listen to His way, not the worlds way. We are always given a choice.

If this were not so important I would not keep repeating it, everything continually circles back around to God’s love. If I am holding something against another, love will always say, “to forgive, again and again.” No one can walk in peace until forgiveness is given. Get right with that person. To walk in the fruit of love, is to walk in the Spirit of God because He is love. Every time we forgive, we grow a little bit more in the Spirit of God and our fruit grows that much more. 

We get everything we need to learn from the Vine in how to walk in the Spirit of God. Waiting on the Spirit is to discern the right love decisions in your life, what to say or do. 

I cannot tell you how many times I have not waited for the Holy Spirit and just blurted out nonsense. When we wait for His leading, your patience will bring peace because you followed the law of the Covenant and FIRST LOVED. 

I have had many people tell me, they do not know God’s will for their life. Understanding God’s will is when we are united with the Word of God and applying it in our life. It is: 

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, BUT BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. THEN you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Ro. 12:2 niv  

As you begin to renew your mind with the word of God, little by little you will learn God’s will and have His perfect peace. 

Our goal? 

To be totally dominated by His love in our lives. 

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you  wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:1-8 

As a child of God, we will always go through times of pruning. We walk in faith, understanding His love and faithfulness will bring us through the pruning, those times of testings.

We will be controlled either by:  

1. The love and faith in God, that generates Peace 

2. Doubt and fear of man = That generates worry and Stress 

Many are plagued by guilt, by our sins of yesterday. Our thoughts can either work for us or against us, just like our words. 

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him. FOR IF OUR HEART CONDEMN US, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, IF OUR HEART CONDEMN US NOT, THEN HAVE WE CONFIDENCE TOWARD GOD.” 1John 3:18:21

Our Father talks about how He blots out ALL of our sins and remembers them no more! He throws them into the sea of forgetfulness. When you mull over the past and have asked God to forgive you, He looks at you and sees the river of blood His Son shed upon the cross so we could have forgiveness and then, He forgets all of them.  We punish ourselves. We give ourselves over to the tormentors. We dig up the old man and meditate upon our past sins. 

We sometimes think: “If I only had not said that.”

                                     “If I only had not done that.”

                                     “Why did I do that?” 

                                      “What was I thinking?

                                      “If I had been more loving.”

                                      “Another bad decision.”

Can you see the accusations in your heart going on? We know who the accuser is and anytime we do not forgive we give room for the accuser to enter our life. If we do this enough, it will turn into bitterness and this could affect us physically. If you are thinking about past sins, ask God to remove them and for them to be replaced with thoughts of something beautiful that  promises to give you peace. Thoughts that will give Him pleasure and glorify His name. Read Philippians 4:6-9

Some of us live in the past instead of the present. This is another reason why we must be transformed by renewing our minds. We are not using the love and faith given to us, in fact we are not using His forgiveness that produces peace. If our heart is condemning or convicting us, how can we pray effectively for others, if our prayers are being hindered by our past? The important thing is that we learned from our past. Did not Jesus come to set men free? Can you picture a joyful Jesus? 

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:9-12

All the fruit of the Spirit derives from our Father’s love. YOU ARE LOVED! 


Together, Let’s all: Drop it, Let it all go and Move on!” 

Lets pray:

Heavenly Father,

I need You. I believe in Your Son Jesus. I need Your Holy Spirit to take over my heart, my mind, my life and my hand and enable me to forgive others like You have forgiven me. I ask that you would continue to speak through your Covenant of Love to transform my mind into the mind of Christ. I yield to your will to “drop all my regrets of my yesterdays, all my petty questionings and self pity and I let them go once and for all and move on with You.” Your word says if I remain in you, you remain in me; I can ask whatever I wish and it will be done to me.” I ask that You would draw me closer to You O Father and fill me up with your overflowing love, so I can see people through the eyes of your love and understanding and always think good. Seal my lips tightly not to mutter or speak against other believers, not to judge but to remind myself that all things are filtered through heaven first before we receive them. I ask that You would bless all those who take the time to read these words and apply Your miraculous love in their life and grow your peace they crave through Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus I ask, amen.  


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Peace, be still #3


Peace, be still #3

We previously have talked about not being anxious about anything. Not fretting and not worrying. Easy to say, right? Let’s get serious and ask ourselves a few questions.

Do I pray in worry and fear? 

Yes, I have. 

Do I pray in faith, then cancel my requests out with words of disbelief?

Yes, I have done that too.


Have I gone only through the motions of prayer?


Could it be because we have not governed the faith given to us and grown the fruit of peace? If I understand that I love at times by faith, can I understand that God’s peace works in a similar way? 

For example: I know that I cannot hold unforgiveness in my heart towards anyone. I may not “feel love” towards the person who offended me at the time, but what to do? One of the first things I do, is humble myself and ask the Holy Spirit to show me the truth, as to why I was offended. What caused me to react offensively? Was it pride? Jealousy?  Anger? Fear? Maybe all of the above? The Holy Spirit uses our humility to open our eyes to see this test was for me, to see what was still inside of me, not the other person! After asking God to forgive me, I forgive them by faith [the feelings always follow], so I can continue on with the peace of God inside of me. It does not matter, if the offender does not forgive you. If they are a sincere humble believer, The Holy Spirit will work in their lives too.  We cannot force anyone to accept us, love us or forgive us. That is between them and God. What matters is, you decided to humble yourself and walk in obedience and the peace of God is back in your life. 

Faith is doing and when we are obedient, peace comes.

Common sense says:  

If I am watching Al Capone before I go to sleep, what do you suppose I am putting inside of my brain and my heart?  Am I storing up the things of the world or thoughts that promote peace?  Am I taking toxic thoughts captive or pouring roundup inside my heart? Are my thoughts generating fear and despair over encouragement and hope? The one thing we all keep repeating, is what the overflow of our heart brings.

Could our worries borrow trouble? There are no orphans in God’s family. Take the time to think about how God keeps right on giving us more grace.  Could it be, we have not peace because; the applications of the truths we already know are not followed through? 

Paul said: “Finally believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart.”] 

Philippians 4:8 amp.

We are to think continually upon those things. Believers begin to train their thoughts. 

If the world cannot see a believer with a mind centered upon God’s peace why would they be attracted to what you say? What is our mirrored image?

Your challenge:

Take time to meditate upon those virtues in your hearts. Think them, speak them and do them to overflowing in your life. Your old toxic thoughts will be pushed out and replaced by the goodness of God’s word. This brings Gods peace because your mind is being transformed into the mind of Christ. Gods love becomes strengthened, activated and begins to overrule everything in your life to follow though with determination, obedience and time! This does not happen over night, but little by little.

We learn spiritual warfare by doing, not just studying. We have fierce weapons unlike the lasers in the world. 

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience , once your obedience is complete.” 2Co. 10:4-6 niv

We can be a literal wrecking ball, foiling the enemies plans in our lives. If you have the faith inside to believe what the word is saying to you.

If we think about something long enough, we are either going to do it, speak it or pray for it. 

Dr. Caroline Leaf says this in her book, Switch On Your Brain,

“As we think, we change the physical nature of our brain. As we consciously direct our thinking, we can wire out toxic patterns of thinking and replace them with healthy thoughts.”

“When you think, you build thoughts, and these become physical substances in your brain.”

Medical Science is actually proving the Bible more and more. Even science is talking about how our thoughts have substance. Our thoughts do count. They have meaning and will determine your eye view and how you determine to live your life. 

Paul reminds us in the above verse of Philippians to continue on renewing our minds. When we renew our minds, we will have the peace of God that transcends all understanding. I believe we are to be like that of a sponge and absorb as much truth in our lives that we can. 

Ask yourself, “Is my mind stayed upon God?” Not Al Capone, not a soap opera, nor about tomorrow. If so, Isaiah promises to keep us in perfect peace when we do this.

Heavenly Father,

We ask that your Precious Holy Spirit would minister your peace to our minds, our hearts and our souls. Help us to develop new godly habits and throw out out the old ones that belong to the world. Help us to put down anything worldly that takes away from our walk and put on only that which builds up our walk in Christ. We need your peace. We ask that you would continue to mold us with your peace and be the examples of your fruit.  In Jesus we ask amen. 

Praying in faith, will activate you to speak in faith and when you are doing this, you walk in faith. Should you do this enough, you will develop a new holy habit in your life and your prayers will fly through a portal into the holy of holies. You will be living a life of faith, trusting God in every area of your life. You will have that coveted peace.