Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Small prayer for us to agree together

 Sometimes we don't know what to pray or how to pray. But we know we must pray. I am called to intercede every morning, unless something prevents it.

 Pray along with me and let's agree together with this small prayer. If you are humble and sincere, God will hear you and answer your prayer, but you must use your faith and believe and expect it. Many are in walking in fear today instead of love and faith. This prayer should help you.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We thank You for caring for the little things in our lives as well as those mountains that we know need to be removed. We ask that Your Holy Spirit teach us those precious pearls that give us Your wisdom and understanding that we are so desperate to learn. Your word tells us that You do not give us a spirit of fear, but You give us; Love, Power and a Sound Mind. We embrace these words and Your love and will not allow anyone or anything to take it from our hearts. We embrace Your power and strength, for we lean upon You for everything we need and have. We trust in You for everything. Thank You for a sound mind. We may not "feel" it at times, but we know You are our God who does not break His covenant with His people, has never-ending love and unfailing love. Thank You Father for hearing our prayers. We choose to use the faith that You have given to us and we choose to use the name of Your Son Jesus with power and we choose to worship You O Father in Spirit and Truth. We desire to make you smile, to please You and glorify You in everything we do. Draw us closer Father, continue to make us strong and be bold when we need to be. We have learned we can walk in Your strength, in Your will for we are called the children of God. In Jesus we pray, amen.