Thursday, March 7, 2024

Love is more than a Conqueror!

 Do you believe in miracles? Prayer? Perfect love?

When you think about it, the awe-inspiring fact how God is Spirit and He is love begins to wash away many questions we may have in our hearts. Since He is a Spirit and Love, we are to allow His Holy Spirit to dominate our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This is why Jesus kept saying, “Love one another.” When we respond to His Spirit of love that is given to us, God teaches us how to be united with faith when we pray. His Spirit is linked with ours and we really can do all things in Him that strengthens us! God’s love, faith, truth, and Spirit bring power. And, to think His Spirit of Love is inside of us!

What am I talking about, you might ask? Ask yourself when you pray if you are praying in love and faith? Are we praying in the Holy Spirit and motivated by His love that is inside of us?  Or, when we pray is it just a bunch of words that come out that we do not think about?

Too many decisions are based upon fear instead of faith and love. I have done it and if you think about it, you have too.  If you lose a friend because of the honesty you spoke, chances are they weren’t really your friend in the first place. One of the truths you can count upon in your life is that your words of honesty, truth and love will all be tested. God’s word never returns void.  When someone says, “I love you,” those words will be tested time and again by the giver and the receiver.  We don’t think about it at the time, but sooner or later our words will go through the fire to see exactly what they are made of, steel or stubble? If you are a student of the Bible, you will grow into knowing every time you are tested. Remember one thing during this writing, the enemy will always lie to us because the truth is not in him to give. He cannot give something that he doesn’t have. No one can. I have learned that if I wait just a little bit longer, my answer will come. If I drive around that mountain just a little bit further, I will find my destination. And, if I persevere and have the patience needed to get through my first line of defense, I will make it. God requires us to trust in Him and have patience because it works with His love. This isn’t an easy task because while He is telling us to wait, our fleshly desires seem to be on fire to go and do it all for ourselves. The last time I looked we still had McDonalds, Wendy’s, and KFC along with so many others. Like a spoiled child, we want it all now. Isn’t it interesting that anything we eat that was cooked in deep fat isn’t good for us. Weren’t we raised with this? Why now? What is happening to us now? I believe it must be sanctification [holiness].  You must admit we learn the most when we are in the valleys.

I believe that our Father uses the “suddenlies” in our lives to wake us up from our apathetic slumbers at times.

I woke up this morning with these words on my mouth, “Truth is.” I thought, what is truth? I am laying there thinking about how wonderful God’s truth is. Then after asking God these words started to come to me. Truth is the application of God’s principles given by the Holy Spirit within His perfect and pure love of Jesus. Truth is a privileged gift to us. Truth is a gift of grace to those of us who believe. Jesus is in me as I am in Him because the Kingdom of God is within me. It is the explicit and pure will of God that connects us to the process of holiness.  If God’s will be involved in your prayers, though the mountains may shake and the oceans roar, illness could come, and your love for Him be mightily tested; there is nothing on earth to be compared to the power of truth. Truth presented in His powerful Agape love, heals because He is the healer.

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in Spirit and in Truth.” John 4:23-24 NIV

Many of us have trouble worshiping God in Spirit and Truth because God is a Spirit, and He is love. We are told to love one another. When we are truly walking in the Spirit, we are walking in His Agape love. When we are truly walking in love [Spirit], we are walking in His power. Love and faith are coupled inside of God’s Spirit and truth. This is why Jesus kept saying “Love one another.”  He knew there was power in those words. Every person that Jesus healed when He walked on the earth was through the power of love, [God’s Spirit]. And the only way any of us can worship Him in Spirit and Truth is to allow His Agape Love inside of us to takeover.

Today, more than any other time in my lifetime The Holy Spirit is aligning the consciences of believers to be holy and sensitive to His voice. If you begin to ignore your conscience it begins to look like a rabbit ear on the top of the corner of your page. Each time you ignore what your conscience is saying that rabbit ear becomes a little bit less secure and worn being bent over until one day, too weak to hold on, it just drops off the page. This is how our conscience becomes dulled and deadened. No longer do you hear what God is saying and it is all because of sin. When we do not love, we sin.

God is calling His people to respond to repentance.

Rd. Romans 2:1-4. The goodness of God leadeth to repentance.” Ro. 2:4

 I picture God’s Army strong in Him. They are a people who refuse to give into overblown vain imaginations. They are those who can discern but refuse to judge. I ask you, should you judge another without understanding? Have you gone to him/her and asked for an explanation? Wrote a letter? And didn’t Jesus Himself tell us not to judge? Because if we do, it will come back to us in the same measure. And, when we speak heresy about a brother or sister, cannot you see that we are speaking a prophetic utterance against ourselves? Why do we not fear the God of the universes? Over and over, I see this happen in the Bible. Those who are jealous, for want of control or power begin to speak against God’s anointed then, what they spoke begins to fall upon their own heads. I think about the Israelites in the desert, Korah and his men, the Book of Esther and so many more! Surely, this is why I see so many denominations, so many church buildings in a block and so many declaring they have the truth. Remember the truth is always linked with God’s Spirit [love].  There are disagreements, they break off and split and before you know it, another church has sprung up. Church! This is what the world sees in us, and it is not love! No wonder the body of Christ doesn’t have many healings, it is because they have little love.

“Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little. The Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” Lu.7:47-48 NIV

We can skirt around the different verses we do not want to accept, but they won’t go away. We can change them to fit our flesh, but that doesn’t work either. And if we do not understand something that our brother or sister does; pray about it and love them anyway. Jesus never asked us to do something we couldn’t do.

“Life and death are still in the power of the tongue.” and “For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.” Ro. 14:10 b

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

You are our great and marvelous teacher, and we thank You for giving us insight into your healings and power and Into Your Spirit and Truth. You never leave us, thank You Father. Forgive our shortsightedness, lack of faith and even taking Your word for granted. Forgive us for skipping over the verses we do not understand or even saying it was for back then, but not for today. Forgive us for not accepting what your words tell us.  Forgive us for judging those we do not understand or assuming that we know when we do not. Forgive us for not accepting others in their beliefs. Give us an open heart and bring unity to your Body of Christ. Father, Your word says that no one can come to You but through Jesus Christ. We accept this and stand upon it. We ask that You saturate our souls, minds, hearts, and strength with Your love; for You have taught us when we love others we are healed in Spirit and Truth in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.