Saturday, June 15, 2024

They called him great!

  haven't been in here for quite a while because I was busy flying back and forth to California where my son was. The non-Hodkins T-cell 1 lymphoma that Scott had was the rapid growing one. It seemed nothing would kill it. It was wrapped around his heart and trachea like that of a large cantaloupe [the Drs said]. We prayed and prayed and had all kinds of people praying for him all over the world. Countless of times in between trips I would cry myself to sleep, begging God to heal him and I even thought of trying to make a deal with God. I know better. I knew I was losing him. He was my baby and we all had plans. He married a lovely girl named Grace who also has cancer. But here again we are all praying and believing she will be healed. I asked myself why? Why did God take him of all people. He was a health guru and always ate organic things and never drank anything that wasn't pure. He lifted weights and was a natural athlete. Everyone loved Scott. None of us were there when he passed. His wife ran out for only 30 min, and he transitioned over into the presence of God.  His viewing and funeral had hundreds of his friends, and they all lined up to hug me or shake my hand thanking me for raising such a great man. I knew the inner man of Scott, the little boy and there are some days when all I do is cry. His birthday is on the 26th of this month. He had a military funeral because he did tours in the middle east [USMC]. His friends tell me that he had trophies at his work place when he won in golf, but he never told anyone. He had a Masters in Business but again he never mentioned it. He had many accomplishments during his short life but never mentioned it and this is what made him great. He was humble, very humble.  I have tried to reason as to why this happened, but the only answer I can get is that it was his time. I still see him as my little boy and he was so cute! How I miss him! He loved beyond what we are commanded. He always went out of his way to help someone with their health and gave them tips he had learned.   As I think on a bit, I am thankful he didn't end up in a wheelchair after returning from the war in the middle east. I am also thankful he wasn't burned and had to have hundreds of operations or in a bad car wreck or came home without legs or arms as I know many families who are struggling with these things.  I know that someday I will go to him and other members of my family and friends. Him passing will not rock my faith because I know where he is at, and he is in a much better place than this cursed earth. 

Scott I will forever love you and miss you so much!

