Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Guard against Complacency

Hi Friends,
Yes, I still have my unwanted sore throat and cough, but I am kicking it out because there isn't enough room in my body for the two of us!
I've been thinking, before everything is over; I bet there will be a whole lot more people praying in the name of Jesus than they used to.

And, we should; because everything that can be shook will be shaken. We are a people who have taken our beautiful benefits for granted. Little things we call electric and water. We turn on the lights and presto! Turn on the faucet and the water comes forth. We sleep in pretty comfortable beds and when we look out the window, our eyes can look at the magnificent array of budding flowers or the tide coming in. We have been blessed.
But can such luxury begin to desensitize the reality of what is really going on around the globe and not too far from us? Innocent Christians brutally martyred just because they are Christians! I pray for comfort for their families, but how do you do this? They do not understand why we haven't done anything to help. I too, do not understand why we haven't gone and fought for their lives, or at least armed those who are fighting against this bloodshed.

When we hear of these things on the news, we have to remember; it isn't a movie!

So we believers in the west have to guard our hearts from being complacent.

I pray for safety for my loved ones all the time. I pray that they will be sensitive to God's leading and if and when they need to "get out of dodge" I pray they will listen and go.
We are living in perilous times.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father,
You are our God, our Father and the Holy One of Israel. You are our shelter and our strength. We depend upon you with everything that we have inside of us. We give you all honor, all praise and all glory!
We lift up our loved ones again to you Father and we ask that you would keep them in your shadow and under your wings of protection. Draw them closer to you in every way.
We lift up those who are in grieving at this time. We ask that your comforter would be real and give them a renewed moment of your love. Embrace them when they sleep and give them peace. We thank you for that Lord.
IN Jesus we pray

4. So you will find favor and good repute
In the sight of God and man.
5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6. In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Pr. 3:4-6

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