Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Increase the faith that you have!

The picture reminds me of the wedding that will happen between the Bride of Christ and the King of Kings. The Spotless Bride being the redeemed Church all dressed gloriously in white and the Groom, the Lord of Lords who will take His Bride and be upon the Horse ready to do battle against all the evil that is reigning upon the earth today. I love how the couple have yet to be physically married but, they are connecting. That is the way it is with true believers. We haven't made it to the Banquet Table yet to celebrate in the physical; but we can do it in faith!

Those are valiant and happy thoughts of mine.

Yet my heart is sorrowful when....

Our nation appears to be something like a snowball going downhill. The more it rolls down, the bigger it accumulates with more snow. We are like those who have turned their backs upon what is right. Instead, we have compromised our very souls, appeasing the world and ignoring the will of God. Even our churches no longer follow the narrow path. We will be as the prodigal son who was forced to eat corn husks. And, the rich man who passed over and looked over the great divide as his soul was tormented and he thirsted. For him it was too late. The Prodigal son came to his senses and with a repentant heart came back to God.
Which are you Oh America?

Precious Heavenly Father,
I lift up this nation to you. I ask that you would honor those who have been faithful in loving you and have not compromised their walk in anyway. I ask that you would continue to shed your mercy upon this land. We realize that we do not deserve it. I ask that you would have your light expose all the wicked works of the enemy and flush them all out; once and for all. I pray Father that all that is happening would be an extreme lesson that we would learn and learn well! Please help us to use our time wisely and prepare for what is up ahead. For we know, you have heard our prayers and choose to hear your voice, stay alert and in your will.

Now, Father we ask what can we do to help those in the Middle East who are still be persecuted for their faith? What can we do? Show us and we ask that you would make a way for us to follow this through.

Forgive those in high places for not helping them. I ask that you would remove the blinders and set their hearts free in you.

In Jesus we ask,

"Lo, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth shall gaze upon Him and beat their breasts and mourn and lament over Him. Even so (must it be). Amen - so be it. [Dan. 7:13; Zech. 12:10] Rev. 1:7 AMP

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