Thursday, April 2, 2015

Jesus paid the price

During this time of the year, we are reminded Jesus travailed in prayer so hard that he sweat blood. The religious people of the day plotted his death. Once a year it was customary to release a prisoner as the people shouted for Pontius Pilate to release a thief named Barabbas and Jesus took his place.

Just like he took our place.

We are reminded how he suffered, as they plucked out his beard, was scourged with a cat-o-nine tails 39 times upon his back, had a crown of thorns plunged upon his head as they mockingly cried out, "Hail to the King of the Jews!" We all know he was forced to carry his own cross, until he fell and a man by the name of Simon of Cyrene carried it the rest of the way. The Son of God suffered an unbearable death by crucifixion for you and me.

He was buried in a tomb and on the third day arose and seen by over 500 people!
Jesus, the Lamb of God suffered and laid down his life so we could have forgiveness of sins and be set free. He was resurrected on the third day!

This is what it is all about folks! All those who believe in Jesus Christ and call upon his name will be saved and resurrected as well!

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you." John 15:13-14


Heavenly Father,
We acknowledge your Son Jesus Christ and we acknowledge everything he did for us. We acknowledge his great sacrificial love for the world. We acknowledge everything about this season, his suffering, pain, prayer and love all for us. We speak and declare boldly that Jesus is our Lord.
Please forgive us for any thoughts of fear or timidity and lack in faith. We rest in the shelter of your love in every area of our life.
In Jesus we pray

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