Sunday, December 30, 2007

Some of us just "talk" better through the Pen

The New Year is just about here. Another year down the tube. I for one get very nostalgic on New Years Eve. I don't party anymore, but I do reminisce over, what I could have done to make our world just a little bit better for those I love, and those whom I have trouble loving. I know I'm not the only one on planet earth who has trouble loving some people out there. Yet, we are called to love even our enemies. Those are the red lettered words of Jesus.

Do I have any resolutions for the New Year? Besides hopefully dropping a few pounds like everyone else, of course. I think I need to prepare my heart more, get my life in order and love the way Jesus told us to. The only way we can do that, is by giving it away; like He did.

No fear, but faith & love instead

As a Christian, we know we aren't to live in fear, but put on the faith & love that God has given to us when we first recieved the truth. It isn't easy when you see the way our nation is going. Some see the big picture, others do not pay attention and seem to be in dreamland. Then, there are those who have a distorted view of the whole thing.

For example, if I see a rusty nail, it is simply rusty. The rust has been gathered there through a time of neglect as the rough weather came and left, begetting the rust. Others would look at the rusty nail and not even see it. Then, others would look at the rusty nail and not understand why they didn't use a non-rusty nail from the beginning to prevent the rust from happening in the first place. Then, others could look at the rusty nail and see the reason why that particular nail was placed in that position, at that time and allowed to stay in that place to develop rust. Everyone sees things differently, don't they?

I've learned that the more you understand spiritual things, the clearer you will be able to see exactly what is going on today in the world. Once that happens and your eyes are open, you will never be the same again.

What are we going to do?

Speaking as a concerned American, what are we going to do about the way our nation is going? Besides praying that is. You can only keep praying so much and finally God will expect you to do something and act on the faith that He has given to you. But what? I guess we can vote, but how sure are we about the candidates sincerity. We cannot see the motives of their hearts.

I have been studying the different candidates and some I just discard automatically, others I question. Will a new President really make a difference in our nation? I believe this could be possible, because we know that God does use men and women to accomplish His ways here on earth. I also believe that unless our nation repents and yes I did say repents from turning it's back on God, we cannot have any hope.

If I were to only understand just one single thing in the Bible, it would be to realize, that whatever seeds we plant in our life gardens, will come up some day and, we will have to deal with it. The rain falls on the just and unjust. Our crops affect everyone. The world talks about how everyone and thing is linked together. Well, they are right. What I do will affect you, because it is all seeds. Something as simple as a smile will come back to me.
I am afraid to say, so will invading another nation for greedy purposes. It will come back to us, if God's principles of sowing and reaping are true, and we know they are.

Something to think about.