Sunday, December 30, 2007

Some of us just "talk" better through the Pen

The New Year is just about here. Another year down the tube. I for one get very nostalgic on New Years Eve. I don't party anymore, but I do reminisce over, what I could have done to make our world just a little bit better for those I love, and those whom I have trouble loving. I know I'm not the only one on planet earth who has trouble loving some people out there. Yet, we are called to love even our enemies. Those are the red lettered words of Jesus.

Do I have any resolutions for the New Year? Besides hopefully dropping a few pounds like everyone else, of course. I think I need to prepare my heart more, get my life in order and love the way Jesus told us to. The only way we can do that, is by giving it away; like He did.

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