Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Fields of Gold

Slowly close your eyes and envision an incredible field of golden wheat. We picture this radiant blanket, sparkling in the sun like warm diamonds, as far as we can see. The wheat moves gracefully together when the rhythm of the wind begins to blow. The tares that grow next to the wheat look very similar and swing together with the wheat, in this graceful dance of the wind. Though the storms may come, you will see both the wheat and the tares held together by the grace and power of God’s love.

Once I was a lonely tare, who lived along side the golden beauty of the wheat. I watched in awe, in their humble delight when the breeze would come. They swayed in the Spirit of the Wind in complete unity. I didn’t understand their easy laughter or their deep faith and love in a man they called Lord, from Galilee. I noticed how gentle they were when they spoke to me and marveled by the kindness they had for one another. Above all, I experienced their love. Then, one day, it happened. As we were all enjoying the warmth under the sun, I became aware of some of their seeds dropping, but they didn’t fall onto the earth. I didn’t realize it at the time, but their seeds were miraculously planted in the soil of my heart. I learned later on, that it was through the Holy Spirit! Those seeds secured a deep strong root inside of me and I became transformed into the likeness of the Son. Soon, when a breeze came, I began swaying in the field, and was bedecked in a robe of refined gold; just like my other friends. They called us, “The Bride.”

God said in Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”

My seeds started to grow and I developed a thankful heart. Like a magnet, I was literally drawn to God’s truth. My eyes became clear. I will give God all glory for the rest of my life. I look up, like the wheat towards the sun and bow in reverence and deep love, for I am reminded how I was rescued, from the very depths of despair and planted high upon a rock. The wheat can sing, “Once I was blind, but now I can see! Once I couldn’t understand, but now I know!” We sing the song rejoicing. Our hearts become one and we are linked, with the very holy breath of God. Once I was unable to forgive, but now I no longer stay angry or depressed and I am gifted to love those who come into my life, for the kingdom of God lives within me.

The wheat receives rain and fertilizer and grows under the sun. There comes a harvest time when the wheat is gathered up to be ground into a find powder and then used to make dough. First they separate the wheat from the chaff; this is called winnowing; for only wheat is permitted to go through the grinding process. The farmer then takes the wheat to the mill to be stone ground. To make acceptable dough, it must be rolled, kneaded, punched and poked. This whole strenuous process is time consuming and can be quite overwhelming. The dough is then, allowed to rise while being left by itself for a few hours. After the dough has faithfully risen, it is once again kneaded and punched to remove all of the unwanted air and set off by itself to rise again. When the dough has risen once again, it is finally placed into a hot oven to bake for an hour. While this happens a “death by heat” takes place as any unwanted germs or bacteria that may have been in the dough is killed. While under the pressure and intensity of this heat, the dough ascends one more time and transforms into a pure solid loaf of bread that not only looks and smells good, but is nutritious for all those who eat of this food, and to think; it all began with one small seed.

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” Jn. 6:35

We all began with the small beginning of a seed. Our seeds were watered and our eyes were opened to the truth. We responded in joy and we became transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ all because of God’s great love, mercy and grace.

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