Friday, March 19, 2010

A Mish Mash of Yarn

A Mish Mash of Yarn

Have you ever tried to put another pair of glasses on over the reading glasses you are already wearing? Well, you just do not know what you are missing if you haven’t experienced that yet. What about not remembering if you added the sugar to the cake you are making? Oh don’t ask! It seems to be a part of the “maturing game.” I refuse to use that word old because I do not believe in it.
Are you a nurturer? That is someone who feels like they have to take care of everyone and everything around them. A mothering spirit, I’ve heard it called. Usually someone who is a nurturer has received more than their share of the gift of empathy. In fact, I’ve often wondered why I have so much empathy and so many around me, do not seem to have any. Super empathetic thinking is: “well if I were that parrot, where would I like to fly? And how big would I like my aviary?” They automatically understand that all birds must fly to exercise their wings, dogs must be allowed to run and cats must prowl and jump. They also know almost every thought their mate is thinking before he thinks it and when he opens his mouth she can easily nod and say she understands.
Who said that men were the stronger sex anyway? Maybe physically and why does a strong woman attract a weak man and weak women attract a strong man? Perhaps the “weak woman” isn’t really weak at all but an extremely intelligent lady who knows how to get the attention of a strong intelligent man. Therefore, could it be that our strong appearing woman may not be that strong after all if she is still attracting a weak man? Could it be because she subconsciously feels she still must control the whole relationship or roost, when the more “weak” intelligent woman has learned how to control the roost in a more intelligent and feminine way? Did you get all that? Who knows!
Why do we see the 6’2” gent dating the petit 5’2” lass? Is it because he has this protective spirit toward her, or is it because the lady has an IQ of 195 and knows exactly what she is doing? Could it be like “they” have always told us from the beginning, that opposites just simply attract?
For those of you who have carried some grief and bitterness possibly through a devastating divorce and seem to still be carrying the memories of his infidelity in your memory banks, may I take this moment to share with you something that I just learned the other day? Ladies, you have my permission to get a little bit excited about this!
When your mind does repeats about the “way back when’s” most of the time it is because you have put it on the “auto” while you are laying there on your bed; thinking about it all again! Yes, once again, you’ve just relived the love, the heartaches and horrors and all of the anxieties of your past. You are a smart cookie, you already know that wasn’t a good thing, but trying to stop it is another chapter in your journal. What if you discover that you are grieving over finding out that your ex wasn’t the man you thought he was in the first place? You think you are grieving over the whole situation, but in reality you are grieving over what you thought he was? Isn’t it possible to grieve and mourn over a make believe person? To have a wakeup call and know that person didn’t really exist after all? If you didn’t know he was a cheat and a liar and you assumed he was a good guy, you were deceived and completely innocent and not only that but you thought only the best of him. Consider yourself set free now, because the one you loved was not alive. Love always thinks well in a person. Forgive and move on, you deserve it!

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