“Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” Mt. 6:8
What does that mean? Like them? Them who? Them what? Simply them who haven’t met Him yet. I love “them”. I know because, I was there, I won’t judge anyone.
We so limit our God. He’s everywhere, hears it all and knows it all. He reads our hearts every day. Can you imagine a God that knows what you need before you even ask Him? You could ask, “Well if we’ve got a God who knows what I need, why ask Him? Why pray? Besides that, why does he allow me to go through all of these things?” Because, He wants to hear from you, after all; He is the one who created you. Besides, He’s given you a free will to do as you please.
Think of it this way: You are where you are because of a thought, and you eventually carried out that thought. Woe is our thoughts if we do not choose to change them.
Isn’t it delightful when your first born says a few words to you and begins to grow in their love toward you. They look up and smile and you smile back and as they grow, they ask you for things and sometimes you say a no because you know what is good for them at that age. Other times, you are delighted to give them things. A very wise man that has a gigantic help ministry once said to me “Sometimes God says NO.” Boy we don’t want to hear that. But you see, just as God knows what we need, He also knows what we do not need. A leader of the Prophets once said that the worst thing you can do for your child is to give him everything or to do everything for him. I say “amen brother!”
I call Him father, because He’s been my Holy Father since I was five years old. I didn’t understand it, but I knew He was there. I knew He was my guardian.
Isn’t it great that when you are hurting and struggling; we have a great God that actually knows what you need right at that exact time!
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