Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gotta Vision?

Have you been thinking about what you’d like to do but that day is always “someday” or “maybe next year?” Don’t wait too long to follow your heart’s desire because it may not be here. I would like to encourage you that if it is a farm you’ve been thinking about and now you feel you are not as young as you used to be and wonder if you’d be able to do all of the exercise farm life requires. Do not fear. Of course you can do it! First of all exercise is where it is at, if you want to stay healthy. Yes, you will have the occasional sprain and pulls in your back and other places, but you do not have to lift, use a dolly and push those things around. Use crow bars instead of trying to pry up things with your arms and hands. Always find a tool to use because there are ways to do everything easier. Instead of bringing in all those bags at once, take the time to walk back and forth from your vehicle caring one at a time. Remember, anyway you can get more walking in is good for you, no matter your age.
Maybe you have a dream of traveling and never had the time or money. Why not just sell everything you have and go? We cannot take our homes or things with us when we pass over and if you have your heart set on seeing new things and have that adventurous heart, why not! Besides, if you get rid of a lot of your things now, it will be that much easier for your children when you do go to glory. If you refuse to give up the homestead, maybe you could aggressively begin to save up more money through garage sales, bake sales, baby sitting or pet sitting. You have heard the phrase “if someone wants it bad enough, they are going to get it.” Well that is true. If you think about something long enough, you are going to get it.
Maybe you want to go back to school. Excellent idea! Why not! We have to keep our brains alive and working; remember it is a muscle too. What would our brains look like if we went to a gym that made us work out with your brains? Fit brains or mushy brains. Today you can go back to school online and get your Doctorate in anything as long as you are willing to study your “brains” out.
Everyone has something that they want to do, now is the time to get going on that idea you’ve been stewing about for so long. Maybe it is a business idea. If so, do your homework and research it all out legally. Get everything in writing. Ask the pros to help you out. By this time next year, you could be a multi-millionaire and finance everyone’s trip abroad.
Want to help those less fortunate than you? There are so many organizations that are just waiting for your help. Again, do your research with a fine toothed comb and then, get to work.
The more you think about your dream, the closer your adventure comes to you and brought into reality. Then, you will see it all in the physical realm. Write it all down and take plenty of pictures along the way.


There are those who say that loneliness is simply a state of mind and I think that could be an important contributing factor. If we are not reaching out and meeting people, we will be lonely. If we are not people oriented, then you might have to push yourself to get out there and smile and make a few friends. No one is going to knock on our door or call you if they do not know that you exist, right? So, if you are finding yourself sitting home and having a pity party you will find that you are the only one coming to your party. Hey, we’ve all been there a few times, so you really aren’t alone. I personally do not like crowds and tend to be an enigma to those who do not know me, because I do not care for small talk or negativity and won’t stay around anyone who whines or talks about the weather for too long, unless it was about that tornado or hurricane that made everyone’s heart skip a few beats.
They say that if you can count a true friend on one finger, you’ve found a gem and that you will never need a counselor or therapy because a true friend won’t judge or reject you when you confide in your deepest secrets. She knows that she is loaded with them herself. A true friend is someone who will drop everything she is doing and be by your side through thick or thin. If you have done something wrong, she will take your side; accepting you in your wrong. She will listen to your whining and complaining until you have a cauliflower ear over the phone. She will give you unsolicited advice about whether your hair is attractive or if you are wearing too little or too much makeup and you will hear about the extra weight you put on because she wants you to be around for awhile longer, maybe she will just accept you just the way you are, because in truth; none of those things are really important in your friendship. Are these friend’s angels or devils? I think they are just what we need at the right time to help us pass through our journey. There is nothing like a good friend to come in and smash our own righteous self image from time to time and bring us back to reality and where we should be in the first place. That can be a humbling experience. More than ever, you don’t want to hurt your friend in anyway, but we do. We end up taking them for granted, thinking they will be around forever and that is a big mistake, because we might not be here tomorrow to tell them how important they really are to us.
Every woman needs another woman to talk to from time to time. Although you may be married and feel he’s your best buddy, you still need a crony who will cry with you and laugh hysterically over your yesterdays, today’s and we hope your tomorrows.


There are those who say that loneliness is simply a state of mind and I think that could be an important contributing factor. If we are not reaching out and meeting people, we will be lonely. If we are not people oriented, then you might have to push yourself to get out there and smile and make a few friends. No one is going to knock on our door or call you if they do not know that you exist, right? So, if you are finding yourself sitting home and having a pity party you will find that you are the only one coming to your party. Hey, we’ve all been there a few times, so you really aren’t alone. I personally do not like crowds and tend to be an enigma to those who do not know me, because I do not care for small talk or negativity and won’t stay around anyone who whines or talks about the weather for too long, unless it was about that tornado or hurricane that made everyone’s heart skip a few beats.
They say that if you can count a true friend on one finger, you’ve found a gem and that you will never need a counselor or therapy because a true friend won’t judge or reject you when you confide in your deepest secrets. She knows that she is loaded with them herself. A true friend is someone who will drop everything she is doing and be by your side through thick or thin. If you have done something wrong, she will take your side; accepting you in your wrong. She will listen to your whining and complaining until you have a cauliflower ear over the phone. She will give you unsolicited advice about whether your hair is attractive or if you are wearing too little or too much makeup and you will hear about the extra weight you put on because she wants you to be around for awhile longer, maybe she will just accept you just the way you are, because in truth; none of those things are really important in your friendship. Are these friend’s angels or devils? I think they are just what we need at the right time to help us pass through our journey. There is nothing like a good friend to come in and smash our own righteous self image from time to time and bring us back to reality and where we should be in the first place. That can be a humbling experience. More than ever, you don’t want to hurt your friend in anyway, but we do. We end up taking them for granted, thinking they will be around forever and that is a big mistake, because we might not be here tomorrow to tell them how important they really are to us.
Every woman needs another woman to talk to from time to time. Although you may be married and feel he’s your best buddy, you still need a crony who will cry with you and laugh hysterically over your yesterdays, today’s and we hope your tomorrows.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Melody of Angels

A Melody of Angels
You know that area of sleep where you are still asleep but getting ready to wake up? They say this is the area where we get our brainstorms and if we can remember what we heard, we should be definitely writing them down.
Sometimes I hear heavenly songs. That is the only way I can describe it. What a wonderful way to begin a day, but to hear these lush words sing: “You have become the master of rainbows. You have become the guardian of rain.” The singing was incredible, so I certainly knew it wasn’t me, but I am sure I was humming it.
Since this morning I have thought about those words, especially the word become. Jesus learned obedience through suffering, like we do. That is in the book of Hebrews the 5th chapter.
He listened to the Holy Spirit while he walked the earth back then, this is how he heard God’s voice. He didn’t want to die upon that cross and prayed not his will but God’s will. So He followed it through for the great love of His father and us.
No I do not understand it all. Yes, I do have lots of questions. But I do know this, that there isn’t any greater love than when someone lays their life down for another person. Could you do that for those whom you haven’t even met, like Jesus did?