Saturday, August 7, 2010

Only a Mother Understands

Only a mother’s heart would understand how others feel when their grown sons of 18 years enlist in the military and then go off to fight an unjust war. Do you know what a mother sees during this time? She sees the baby that suckled at her breast in the middle of night and remembers him smiling at her when he was full. She sees him splashing in a bath, the one she nurtured, loved and sang songs with together. It doesn’t matter how old the children become, the emotions and feelings in her heart are quite alive and sometimes the world can see them on her sleeve because there isn’t anything quite so deep as a mother’s love.
Think about it. When a young girl finds herself without her husband and is forced to raise her sons alone, the whole process becomes more than an adrenalin rush, it becomes a calling; a holy ministry. She realizes that there isn’t anything in this life as precious as another life, a prized gift from God Himself. We then discover the power to mold this life into a powerful, confident individual filled with his love. Is there really anything so powerful or important? Not in a mother’s eyes.
My Pastor jokingly once said that mother’s believe that their son’s can walk on water. Well, he was right. He was right because mothers know their children’s weaknesses and strengths and have an unconditional love for them anyway. They automatically know that their strength will over power their weakness because their power is in God’s Spirit and they know the one who has the power to forgive our sins.
It has been said that the most powerful love on earth is the love of a mother bear that protects her cubs. She can smell you hiking miles away and if you get too close she will instruct her cubs to climb a tree while she wards off that “evil” smell that could cause them harm. A mother hen covers her chicks protectively under her wings and would give her life to protect them.
A mockingbird will dive bomb you or any animal that unknowingly gets too close to her nest.
A mother eagle will nurture their young and bring them fresh food every day as her young birds begin to sprout their silly looking down feathers, then when it is time for them to leave the nest the mother begins to make them uncomfortable by taking out the nesting’s feathers and the brush that it was built with. Then, all of a sudden one of the brave eaglets starts flapping his wings; flip flap, flip flap and begins to jump all around the area. He’s got stars in his eyes and a surge of ambition that was long ago bred inside of him. The other siblings watch him in wonder. He looks out into the broad heavens and sees all those mountains that he yearns to glide over and then, one early morning right before the sun breaks, he looks back at his mother and his siblings and leaps into space. He stretches his wings wide and soars ever so graceful, over those mountains, over the cliffs, over the rivers, the waterfalls and over the treetops of forests. Oh, the delight of it. He then tests his drive by tilting to the left a little and then to the right, he’s a young eagle and wonders if “he can really walk on water.” He discovers how to dive in a smooth rocket fashion that would barely break water, after a few clumsily attempts.
The mother eagle watching, knows he can “walk on water” and while being wrapped up in emotions she knows, this is his time. He has a mission and a purpose that was given before he was even born. The father eagle looks on admiringly and having a wing span of 72 to 85 inches himself, knows that his eaglet will rule over the earth by diving for fish, snatching rabbits in a split second, vermin and rats, court a female, help build a nest and keep predators away. He will be the king of the sky and his eyes will see it all and know everything that goes on in his territory and it is with this fact that the father knows that his son will be full of confidence as he fly’s towards the new horizons that are waiting for him to conquer. He carries an inheritance and the power of the Spirit with every flap towards the Son.

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