Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Being born of the Spirit and Truth

Good Morning Friends,

What have I been listening to the Lord about in my Spirit? The Kingdom of Heaven. When Jesus said, "You must be born again or you won't see the Kingdom of Heaven." John 3:3 Then, in another part of the Word He said "The Kingdom of Heaven is within." Lu. 10:9 kjv

Being born of the Spirit is when the Holy Spirit blows upon your dead spirit and awakens it. Your Spirit is quickened and becomes alive. You were once born in the flesh when you came out of your mothers womb, now it is time to be born again of the Spirit and Truth. This is the Kingdom of God coming to you! Yes, there is a passing through into a literal dimension of the Kingdom of God that you will see, but when your spirit comes alive; you are actually sitting in high places in the spiritual realm with Jesus now! The Holy Spirit opens up your eyes with an understanding you did not have before and begins to take you on your journey of growth and love.

Pray with me this morning:

Heavenly Father,

We do not take our access to you for granted but in thanksgiving and we are also thankful that we can all pray together, anytime, anywhere and with joy too!

We give you all honor this morning and we ask that you would bless those who have taken the time to pray with us. Speak to their hearts in ways they can understand and be with them as they follow out their daily tasks.

For those who are seeking you I ask that you would awaken their spirits and give them an understanding they did not have and give them a hunger and thirst for your righteousness and your word.

IN Jesus we ask and pray. Amen & amen.

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