Monday, September 26, 2016

We can be just like a beautiful tree

Picture a beautiful tree that gracefully reaches up for the sky, reaching higher and higher. The branches are spread out among other parts of the bush, giving shelter to all kinds of living arrangements. The tree is firmly planted by water and the mossy roots are spread out along the riverside. In times of heat and drought the emerald green leaves glisten in the sunshine as the tree continues to produces fruit. Our tree is blessed by God, because he is planted by the living water, where his hope never runs dry. 

Morning Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for always being here with us. Thank you for always feeding us with your living water. Thank you for making every single day new to us. Thank you for continually guiding and directing us. Most of all, we thank you for your love, your mercy, grace and faithfulness.  We give you praise this morning and bow before you. We give you all of our heart. We ask that you be with us, remind us to think before we speak, to discern others carefully and not judge and to look around how we can bless them. Give us creative ideas how we can do this for your praise and glory.  
In your son we ask,

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