Monday, July 17, 2017

To Love, we must have our Spirit Awakened.

Upon waking this morning I heard the words “Love one another” and I knew this was the answer to most of the problems that we go through while on our journey. Thinking to myself, how can we learn to love one another unless our spirits are awakened by God’s Spirit? The truth is, without this awakening, it is impossible to love God or our neighbor.

Giving is the utmost highest and greatest example of godly love. God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten son Jesus Christ to be a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus in reality, took our place on that cross. We have all sinned, there are no exceptions. In fact, there is no sin so great that He won’t forgive. He took all our sins upon the cross. 

Jesus deliberately allowed himself to be publicly tortured as the Roman soldiers, mocked and humiliated him and when that happened, the Spirit of God within Him overcame their insults, so that our hearts would be set free. When they spat upon him the Spirit of God within our Lord forgave their hearts and released us to have this same power within us to forgive those who offend us. When they shamed him by stripping him of his clothing, the Spirit of God was removing our shame. When they pulled out his beard leaving massive raw chunks of blood upon his face, the blood ran from his jaws so we could be firm in our faith and confess that He is Lord! 

To scourge a man was not only demeaning but many were beaten to death! Roman law considered the very act reserved for a lesser element, one below their social strata, for slaves who were considered to be beneath themselves. 

Then the Roman Soldiers used a flagellum - a braided whip called a “cat o nine tails” to further torture our Lord by a scourging of 39 slashes upon his back. The cat o nine tails each had nine separate whips about 3 ft long with iron balls or broken bones/spikes on each end. This weapon was designed to lacerate, open, divide and bruise and when the cat o nine tails violently landed upon the back of Jesus, his blood burst out into a frenzy exposing the ruptured veins and arteries! Think about it,  39 X 9 = 351 lashes! Jesus was not only unrecognizable when they were done, but tied at a post, his body was ripped open for us!  All our sins, all our rebellion, all our dark sides was upon his back! His blood pumped and ran out for us! He took 39 strips so we are healed today! They shoved a crown of thorns deep upon his head and mockingly declared he was The King of the Jews! The thorns cut into his head as his blood pulsated down from his crown, down his face so we could have a sound mind today! Now in his weakened collapsed conditioned, he was expected to carry the very cross he would be nailed upon. The writing tells us that a strong man named Simon of Cyrene happened to be coming through whom the soldiers grabbed and demanded him to carry the cross for Jesus. 

They nailed our Lord upon the cross, on a hill, at a place called Golgotha. He could barely turn his head and see the Sheepgate not too far away.  He was positioned between two criminals. One mocked him, while taunting, “if he were really the Son of God to call upon those angels to rescue him!” The other remarked, “we deserve to die, but this man did nothing wrong.”  Jesus turned to him and said, “your sins are forgiven and today you will be with me in paradise!” That man was possibly the first gentile to be ushered into paradise. 

Jesus was resurrected 3 days later. He stayed for 40 days and was seen by over 500 people. He ate with his disciples and continued to give them invaluable teachings that we continue to follow today. 

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior I urge you to search your heart and think about what Jesus went through for you and me. Humble yourself and ask him into your life today. Do not allow another minute to go on in your life without confessing that He is Lord. We are all one heat beat away from passing over. Repent of your old ways, confess your sins and ask God to bring Jesus into your heart. The Bible says that we are to come as a little child to our Father. 

Pray this simple prayer with me:

Heavenly Father,

I know I have sinned. I know I need help. Help me Father. Oh Father, I accept the sacrifice of your son for my sins. I believe that Jesus is Lord!  I ask that you would forgive me for (confess your sins). I want to be born again, I ask that your Spirit blow upon my spirit and awaken it to your truth. Please come into my heart, make me into that new creature in Christ. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

If you have prayed that prayer, your spirit will be resurrected and made alive, just like when Jesus our Lord was resurrected! You will be a new creature in Christ as you grow in Him. Find a good Bible believing church to make new friends and a good Bible study group. 

The world loves in a secular and fleshly way. When your spirit is made alive in Christ, you love in a supernatural way, because you are given a new heart. A new heart that was given to you by God’s grace. This new life will become motivated by your deep love for God, as you strive to glorify Him in every area of your life.  

“And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” Luke 10:27

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