Monday, October 23, 2017

Is God in control over everything? Or, do we have our free choice to sin and to kill?

Do you believe God is in control of everything? I do not and this is why: 
If we say He is in control, then we are saying He gives the nod when a woman is brutally tortured and raped, when children are molested and sometimes decapitated and killed and when a killer goes into a school and guns down innocent children. Is God in control over abortions? No. 
I do not believe He is in control of everything. 
Some will say, He allows this to happen, so the victim can later overcome the intense heartfelt damage and emotional pains in order to help those who will be needing help later on because of the same thing. I do believe sometimes, this happens. Unless we go through such ordeals, how can we have the audacity to say we understand in order to help another person. 
But not all the time. 
Is it not true, that if we make wrong choices, we have to walk through the consequences of those decisions? A good example of this was on August 8, 1969 one of the murderers of pregnant Movie star, Sharon Tate: Susan Akins made a decision to follow the orders of Charles Manson to murder Sharon. She was sent to prison for life, was born again while doing time and ministers inside of the prison. Susan is still walking through the choice she made so long ago.
Some would say: "God intended her to be where she is so she can minister to other like women." Perhaps so, but the point I am making is that God did not direct her to murder a pregnant woman. 
Somebody else directed her.
Right from the very beginning God has given us the choice to do good or wrong. Our choices have never been taken away from us. And, right from the beginning there was satan seducing and urging mankind to begin to lie and accuse each other. If you believe in God our Creator, then you believe in a devil whose prime motive is to destroy everything in our nation, everything in your life and all those around you. The devil has many helpers and these entities work together and they know your weaknesses, they know how to conquer and divide this nation, your belief in God, your faith and love, your strength, your marriage, your friendships, your church, your families and your schools. They have no limits to what they will say or do to bring you down. They have a mission to take down as many people as possible. They will use knowledge of enticing words that are sprinkled with revelations that will woo you from the truth. They will use jealousies of others to whisper angry lies to your soul as you compare yourself with others. They will use whatever it takes to rob you from forgiving, from peace and God's love. They will try to replace your peace with their anger. They will try to rob you from the work that God has for you and use discouragement through so many lies and strategies. 
They will do whatever it takes to first whisper a lie in your heart. Fear says, " I cannot do this. I cannot go through this." But faith and love always says yes you can. Fear says, "I'm too old." But faith and God's grace says, "My word says you can!" Fear lies to you! God embraces you with His love and calls you His child. We are totally 100% His! 
As much as we detest and abhor the intense runaway violence, the injustice of criminals not being held accountable, the pervertedness of what the public schools are teaching today and those in high places who are ever faithful with their continual accusations. We have to remember what Jesus said:
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10
If you have persevered and read all the way down here. I pat you on the back for being so patient. Let's say a small prayer together:
Heavenly Father,
We choose to give you thanks first thing today. We choose to see all your goodness and what your hope brings to our hearts and our families. Thank you for your hope! Without your hope we would not be able to see your goodness or be able to use the faith that you've given to us. We cherish this hope. Truly you are a God of hope.
Father, we ask that you would keep our nation in your hands. We ask that you would touch those seeking hearts looking for answers. Heal hearts from unwise words and we ask that you would send a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation in families and friends. 
In Jesus amen

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Let the glory of the Lord rise above you

Tearfully, these words came to me this morning: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1
We sing a song "Let the glory of the Lord rise above you." I could hear it when I woke up. My heart is breaking this morning for those who have lost their loved ones. No one expects our lives to be taken so quickly, we just do not think about it. I believe in the very deepest throes of blackness and despair, a hand reaches out and begins to whisper to us: "I love you." Arms embrace us, so we can cry on His shoulder. Angels begin to tenderly teach us and give us understanding. Though the void in our hearts will be there, little by little we learn to rest in true agape love and peace as our healing begins.
I feel led to pray for the wounded hearts this morning. Please pray with me:
Precious Holy Father,
Blessed be your Holy name Jehovah Shalom, the giver of peace. We lift you up this morning! We give you all honor. Oh Father you see our broken hearts. You see all the suffering. Precious Father you said we have not because we ask not. Together in one mind, we ask this morning to minister to those who are wounded by losing their loved ones. Send your Comforter to minister and heal their hearts.
Your word says where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. We believe that! Minister to all their spirits and allow them to see Your goodness amid such despair. Bring your light and healing into their lives.
We give you all the glory!
In your son, amen.

Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy