Sunday, November 26, 2017

Have you abandoned your faith?

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 Timothy 4:1

Deceiving spirits lie to you. In these days we are living in, do not be deceived, they will do and say anything to discourage you from reading the word, believing the word and will even go to great lengths to whisper: "there are other ways to glory besides going through the son of God." Do not be deceived. They will try to discredit the Bible and call it archaic, old fashioned, contradictory and replace it with other beliefs such as: Buddhism, Zen, Hinduism, science, man's theories, false cults and watered down lukewarm doctrines that never use the word repentance. Those who do not believe in or care for the word repentance does not understand the power of becoming completely humble and emptied out. Repentance comes with unspeakable joy following. The joy of complete forgiveness in our souls is unmatchable in any other belief system.
Todays culture is turned inside out and upside down and the fallen church have chosen to embrace the spirit of deception that lies. The lies of the world are many and seem to make sense from time to time. There is a term we have all become familiar with, "The God of the Universe." In the same breath that person will take His name in vain and curse the Son of God. I sometimes think of that term and wonder if the speaker really knows "The God of the Universes."
If you happen to be a lover of knowledge, if not careful the deceiving spirits will use your hunger to know more about God to steer you away from the truth into a different direction. Knowledge lovers like myself will read almost everything if they feel they will gain more insight to the truth. They are the Learners in Christ. Whatever your weakness is can be used for bait to take you away from the real truth. Over eating and watching tv? Trying to please people instead of God? The indulgence of Self pity? Seducing spirits will keep you so introspect with your eyes enveloped upon yourself that you will miss God's words when He speaks to you.
Life? It is not about us! It is all about Him! Knowing Him and hearing Him and adoring Him! Remember the song: " Oh come all ye faithful - Oh come let us adore Him." I challenge you to ask your heart "are you faithful?" It is all about other people and trying not to hurt and offend others while we are here and treat them like we would like to be treated, yes like we treat ourselves. To try to see the best in those whom we are connected. To try to be kind when we are offended. People say things because they lack understanding. Notice I said try. It isn't easy.
These spirits promote everything that is against God's holiness. They take our children's innocent minds in public schools and teach them, there is no god, no right from wrong, no difference in gender and so much more. All these things are taught by demons.
As we look at our country we know our work is set before us. Some will faithfully intercede in prayer night and day, other hearts will be challenged to do good in this nation we are living in and work towards putting godly people back in power. Everyone has a constructive purpose and when fulfilled will cause far reaching godly affects for the next generation.
Here is the good news. There are a people who have thankful hearts who have refused to budge from God's grace. These people get stronger by the day and realize their power comes from the Holy Spirit. They realize it is He who enables them to live a life of faith and hang tightly to the promises of His word. They pray His Word and meditate upon His goodness upon their beds. Long ago, they have renounced any ties with these spirits and embraced the truth with boldness given to them by God. This is the Army of God who is unwilling to compromise their faith with the lies of the world. This is the true Bride of Christ. We gain strength through Him who first loved us before we knew Him and we also gain strength through prayer and the Warriors around us. And, throughout our testings we continue to gain strength by walking through the fire. Bless you.

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